The Youth have been in Confirmation Class starting in June and will have a Confirmation Service Sunday, September 25 during 2nd Sunday Service starting at 11:15am.

There will be a Celebration immediately after the service in the overflow area.

UPDATE! What a wonderful celebration we had welcoming three new youth into the Wesley Family!

You can see more of the special moments here!



Our Ice Cream Social celebrating the conclusion of of our study of Corinthians was yummy delicious! Thank You to everyone who helped!!

You can watch a short video clip here!

Follow us on instagram!

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Hebrews 10: 24 -25


It’s Mexican Fiesta Time with the Silver Saints Saturday, September 17 from noon to 2 pm in the FLC Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP if you are planning to come.

The Silver Saints is a senior group that meet quarterly and their mission is to connect with each other and their community and to provide support in their spiritual walk.   Each meeting has a theme such as Cruising, Tailgating, Mardi Gras, Luau, Reunion, Hippie, Summer Picnic, etc.     We have a devotion, provide lunch, play games and work on a service project. Some of our projects include: reading stories to the children at Bridges, appreciation gifts for church staff, appreciation gifts for the Nomads, Christmas baskets for the homeless, Thinking of You cards for shut-ins,  appreciation cards to veterans and Christmas stockings for shut-ins.  We cover our expenses with a small budget from the church as well as sponsors within the group.
Susan Ivins
[email protected]

See some special moments of the event here!



Our Spaghetti and Meatballs Fundraiser for displaced Ukranians was a huge success! Thank You to everyone who made this possible!

We raised over $4k that will go directly to special needs renovations required at the Agape House of Mercy! God is good!

To learn more about Theresa and Scott Cianciolo, the directors of the Agape House of Mercy, and the families you are generously supporting, please watch this video.

Community Bible Study (CBS)

Community Bible Study

Community Bible Study is on break for the summer and will restart August 24.  Come discover God’s faithfulness and make new friends as we study Daniel,  Job  and 1st and 2nd Peter. This CBS class is for women of all denominations and ages. There are also classes  available for children from infants through 8th grade. Both in person and online classes are  available.

9:45 am  – 11:45 am  Wednesdays

FLC Fellowship Hall

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Wednesday

Rm 204  FLC

Contact: Celia Peters          813-263-6521           [email protected]