
Welcome to Wesley Church

We are so glad you decided to check out Wesley Church, Tampa Florida. We are a diverse congregation representing people from a variety of backgrounds, nations, races, and ages.  Our Christ centered worship service is based on biblical teachings applied for today’s challenges. We currently have one service every Sunday at 10am. There are special classes available for children during the service.

We are devoted to becoming disciples of Jesus Christ through the development of relationships within our church and our community.   We have a heart for our neighbors and community and have many outreach programs that spread the love of Jesus.

Please visit us in person to begin your journey as a disciple of Jesus.
Click here to plan a visit!


Wed., Sept. 11 – Bible Study-Wrestling with Doubt! See more info here!

Wed., Sept. 11 – Book Club- Redeeming Love! See more info here!

Sat., Sept. 21 – Spaghetti Dinner! See more info here!

Sat., Sept. 28 – Silver Saints Luncheon! See more info here!

Mon., September 30 – Handbell Practice Resumes! See more info here!

Sat., Oct. 19 – Fall & Christmas Craft Fair!

Fri., Oct. 25 -27 – Youth Fall Retreat!

Sun., Oct. 27 – Shoebox Packing Party!

Wed., Oct 30 – Trunk ‘r Treat! See more info here!

Sun., Nov. 3- Chrismon Party! See more info here!

Sat., Nov. 8 – Movie Under the Stars

Sat., Nov. 30 – Hanging of the Greens!

Visit our monthly calendar here!

Real Life Groups


Adult Bible Study

We study various books of the Bible.

9:00 am Sundays
Old Library
Contact: Fran Mobley     813-886-1543        [email protected]

Chancel Choir

Prepare different music for every Sunday worship 10:00am Service.

7:00 pm Thursdays
Choir Room
Contact: Jean Rowe     813-767-5264         [email protected]


Hand make items for the church bazaar.

2:00 pm -7:30 pm Tuesdays
Craft Room
Contact: Shaun Black     813-399-0220      [email protected]

Daily Christian Living

Currently off for the summer

6:30 pm Wednesdays
Contact: Charlie Dittmar                                       [email protected]

Girl’s Friday Dinner Out

Join us for Christian fellowship and good food!

Friday evenings 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Weekly email  sent out for various restaurant locations.
Contact: Ginny Winter      813-531-8147       [email protected]

Hand Bells

Make a joyful sound unto the Lord!
No experience required, training provided.

11:00am – 12:00 pm Mondays
currently off for the summer, practice resumes Mon., Sept. 30
Choir Room
Contact: Jean Rowe        813-767-5264            [email protected]

Lunch Gang

Meet up with other ladies after Wednesday Bible Study for fellowship and good food!

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Arrangements are made for different restaurants each week.
Contact: Connie Pruitt         813-494-4049       [email protected]

Naomi- Rebecca Circle

A women’s ministry focused on missions, spiritual growth and fellowship.

7:00 pm – 8:00pm  1st Tuesday of each month
Sewing Room
Contact: Gail Parker            813-855-2146             [email protected]

Needle Crafts

Bring your own project or join us as we work on one of our many group projects.
Or just drop by for a cup of coffee or tea and fellowship!

9:00am – noon Thursdays
Craft / Sewing Room
Contact: Nancy Blunk             813-966-1496         [email protected]

Pickle Ball

Come enjoy Christian Fellowship and Fun while staying active.

Open Play Time on Fridays at 9:30 – 11:00am
All other play times are now full.
Contact: Janet Stuart       [email protected]     or     Celia Petters 813-263-6521

Ruth Circle

A United Women of Faith ministry focused on missions, spiritual  growth and fellowship.

10:00am – 11:00am  first Thursday of each month
Multi-Purpose Room (across from office)
Debi Cockburn          318-792-8064

Silver Saints

The Silver Saints is a senior group that meet quarterly and their mission is to connect with each other and their community and to provide support in their spiritual walk.

Susan Ivins                                                                           [email protected]

United Methodist Men’s Group  (

Men of the church gather for breakfast and discussion on various Bible topics
7:00 am – 8:00 am Saturdays –  Breakfast and devotional for men.
7:00 am – 8:00am  Sundays – Breakfast and devotional for Homeless Ministry
Fellowship Hall FLC
Contact: Dale Gruver         813-951-1565                  [email protected]

Women’s Community Bible Study – Morning or Evening

Come discover God’s faithfulness and make new friends. This CBS class is for women of all denominations and ages. There are also classes  available for children from infants through 8th grade. Both in person and online classes are  available.

9:45 am  – 11:45 am  Wednesdays
FLC Fellowship Hall
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Wednesday
Rm 204  FLC
Contact: Celia Peters          813-263-6521           [email protected]

Women’s Fitness

Be strengthened  as we get fit both physically and spiritually.

5:10  – 6:00  Mondays and Wednesdays
Gym  FLC
Contact: Brenda Billing     813-765-2485     [email protected]

Young and Young at Heart

Join us as we study selected books  and have lively discussions.  Currently we are discussing lessons from  the Upper Room Daily Devotional  Guide. You are invited to come discover fresh insights and spiritual truths which will challenge you to develop a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and share it with others.

Sundays 9:00am – 10:00am
Multi-purpose Room
Contact: Church office             813-769-9157      [email protected]

Youth Sunday Night

Youth worship, activities, and learning time. We begin with a free dinner & announcements, then have learning time, games & music. All youth 6th – 12th grades are welcome.

5:30pm-7:00pm Sundays
FLC Youth Room
Contact:  Kristine Johnson           813-476-5351       [email protected]


Why Serve?

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be servants.  This is clearly stated in 1 Peter 4:10-11.  As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards  of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies-in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever.



  The Ambassadors of Wesley serve as greeters and ushers for our Sunday morning worship service. Ambassador team members are organized into four teams that rotate every week.
Sue Ann Korsberg: (813)855-5259; [email protected]


Bridges Preschool has been a leader in Early Learning Education since 1989 and is a bridge from preschool into elementary school. It provides a five- day program to enrich and develop young children’s creativity, independent choices, and guided experiences.
Denise Finnerty: (813)220-2746; [email protected]

     Our children’s ministry, Promiseland, serves children 4 years old through 5th grade. They meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 – 11:15 am. Wednesday Night Live meets on Wednesday evenings 6:00-8:00pm. A light dinner is served on Wednesday evening. Promiseland also sponsors other family events through out the year, including Trunk ‘r Treat and a Spring Fair.
Rochelle Mock: (813)215-6433; [email protected]  
Dennis Bennett: (813)895-9888; [email protected]              


Every year Wesley participates in the Wonder Walk raising funds for scholarships for economically disadvantaged students 0-5 years old  to attend one of the three Rosa Valdez Early Learning Centers which provides quality early childhood education and nutritious food.
Leslie Berlin : (813)494-9063 ; [email protected]


   GO DAYS is an outreach program where we go into the community undertaking projects to help others and support our belief “Other People are Important.”
Jensen Senson: (813)340-8085; [email protected]


The last Saturday of each month at 2:30pm we visit the residents of Habana with music, an art activity, a devotion and snacks.
Terri Davis: (813)598-6938 ; [email protected]


Our homeless ministry provides food, clothing, toiletries on Sunday mornings from 7:00-8:00am to the homeless or those at risk of homelessness in the area. There is also an opportunity for a clean shower on Sunday mornings from 6:00-7:00am.
Charlie Dittmar: (813)215-9258; [email protected]


The Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality is a community advocacy group consisting of faith-based congregations that seeks social justice for the poor, vulnerable and oppressed by holding local officials accountable for their decisions and actions. HOPE team member pledge to attend and promote community wide events to build our people power and make positive impacts in Hillsborough County.
Carol Dittmar: (813)499-7167; [email protected]



Our hospitality team plans and provides food, beverages, decorations, and other necessary preparations for church-wide events, such as potluck lunches and celebration of life services. Within the Hospitality Team is our Cookie Ministry that bakes and delivers cookies to new visitor, members needed a little cheering up and other ministry needs. We have several reliable assistants but are currently in need of a coordinator.
If you see your name here, please contact the church office.


We collect non-perishable foods at the church and deliver once a month to the Kaye Prox Food Bank distribution center located at the Lutheran Church of our Savior.
Tom Paggio: (813)767-7712; [email protected]


Our relationship with our sister churches in Cuba, Duranona and Media Luna churches is a covenant commitment supported by persistent prayer and the provision of needed medicines and supplies.
Renee Kincaid: (813)885-5674; [email protected]
Ashley Cisneros: (813)785-5427; [email protected]
Manny Cisneros: (813)857-7481; [email protected]

The Ministry of Compassion are stewards that provide communion, visitations, cards, and prayers for our brothers and sisters in Christ that may be experiencing difficult times, are in assisted living facilities or nursing homes or in their own home but unable to fellowship with others.
Jean Rowe: (813)767-5264; [email protected]


Pack a Sack is a community outreach program to provide non-perishable food for a weekend to children considered chronically hungry within our immediate area (local public schools).  Bags of food are packed and delivered each Friday during the school year. Currently serving Dickensen, Town ‘n Country, and Webb Middle School.
Jamie Wright: (813)967-3800; [email protected]
Shaun Black: (813)399-0220; [email protected]


Team Operation Christmas Child is a mission project to collect shoeboxes and fill them with gifts such as school supplies, hygiene supplies, and fun toys. The shoeboxes start their Journey at our church (and others) and travel around the world to reach children in need and teach them about Gods love in a very real way. These children are given an opportunity to learn about Jesus and salvation through our gifts.
Shaun Black: (813)399-0220 ; [email protected]


All are invited every Friday night 7:00-8:00 to meet in the sanctuary for Friday Night Song & Prayer. We pray for the church, our pastor, our leaders, our congregation, community and nation. Volunteers are also needed to assist with the Prayer Blanket Ministry and the Prayer Wall.
Renee Kincaid ; (813)885-5674; [email protected]
Terri Davis; (813)598-6938; [email protected]

RUAH Youth Ministry

Our youth group, Ruah, serves students in 6th grade through high school. They meet on Sunday nights, 5:30 to 7:00pm, for dinner, fellowship, and devotion in the Youth Room on the second floor of the Family Life Center.
Kristine Johnson: (813)476-5351: [email protected]

  The Silver Saints is a senior group that meets quarterly. Their mission is to connect with each other and their community and to provide support in their spiritual walk.   Each meeting has a theme such as Cruising, Tailgating, Mardi Gras, Luau, Reunion, Hippie, Summer Picnic, etc.     We have a devotion, provide lunch, play games and work on a service project. Some of our projects include: reading stories to the children at Bridges, appreciation gifts for church staff, appreciation gifts for the Nomads, Christmas baskets for the homeless, Thinking of You cards for shut-ins,  appreciation cards to veterans and Christmas stockings for shut-ins. 
Susan Ivins: (601)831-1985; [email protected]

United Methodist Men

  The United Methodist Men gather every Saturday morning from 7:00am – 8:00am. We provide a warm and supportive environment where men can enjoy fellowship, share their experiences, and grow together in faith. Join us for a bite to eat and meaningful discussions.
Dale Gruver: (813) 951-1565: [email protected]

The Ruth Circle is a local circle of Wesley Memorial Church included in the Gulf Coast Region of The Women of Faith formally named The United Methodist Women. It is a connectional ministry of the United Methodist Church. Our pledges go to ministries that support women, children and orphans worldwide, national and local. We specifically support the Wycliffe Bible Translators, the local Hope House which serves children outside the foster care system, Methodist Children’s HOme Residing Hope, a fund to support a college student formally of the church , youth group and missionaries originally from Wesley Memorial. The Needles group serves through sewing quilts for children and wheelchair bound persons, providing books and nap covers for the Rosa Valdez centers. Our main fund raising is the pecan sale in the fall and we are working on a recipe book as a new fundraiser.  We meet for devotion and educational programs on the first Thursday of the month at 10am. 
Debi Cockburn: (318)792-8064; [email protected]
Kathy Gruver: (813)951-1567; [email protected]

The Naomi-Rebecca Circle is part of Women of Wesley  and works throughout the year, along with the Ruth Circle, to support various missions and spiritual growth. Their main fund raising is through the Fall, Christmas and Spring Fairs where proceeds are used to support the following missions: World Team whose mission is to disciple and make disciples; Wycliffe Bible Translators, making the Bible accessible in various languages; Kairos Prison Ministry, sharing Jesus’ love to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth; Bridging Freedom whose mission is restoration and prevention of minor sex trafficking; Methodists United in Prayer providing support for sister churches in Cuba; FUM Children’s Home: Agape Ministries 4 Ukraine supporting refuges in a newly acquired facility in Derby, VT: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes: Pack a Sack, providing food for chronically hungry children in the school system; and short mission trips of the Wesley Youth and other members.  The Naomi-Rebecca Circle meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 for devotion and fellowship.
Gail Parker: 813-885-2146; [email protected]

The WOW Events also sponsors events to include a Soup Supper to thank the ladies who worked all year on the crafts and Bazaar, a Women’s Gathering where we come together to worship, pray, learn and fellowship as sisters in Christ, and a Christmas Tea.

Worship Ministry

s     The worship team plans and organizes all aspects of the Sunday morning worship service. Many assist in worship by serving as Acolytes, Communion Stewards, or on the Media Team. Our music ministry includes a Praise Band, Chancel Choir, and Handbell Choir.

Jean Rowe, Minister of Music: (813)767-5264;  [email protected]  
Gail Parker, Choir director: (813)885-2146; [email protected]
Arnel Senson, Praise Team: (813)965-1848; [email protected]

Walking the Mourner’s Path

_Walking The Mourner’s Path is a recurring 6 week program that is different from other grief programs. It was founded out of the need to answer the question – “Where is God in my pain?”  The goal is to help people through the process of transforming their grief into joyful living.
Connie Pruitt: (813)494-4049; [email protected]

Other Opportunities to Serve

Counting Team

Join one of counting teams that meets Monday morning to count the offering and get the deposit ready for the bank. Each team meets once a month.
Church Office: [email protected]; (813)769-9157

Nursery Help

Sit and rock, sing, tell stories to our precious little ones.
Sunday mornings 10:00 am – 11:00am
Church Office: (813)769-9157; [email protected];

Office Help

Each volunteer works about a three-hour shift and answers the phone, takes messages, makes phone calls, collates papers, and pretty much whatever the office needs to have done. Most days are available.
Church Office: (813)769-9157; [email protected]

Private: Upcoming Events

About Us

About Wesley Church

At Wesley Church  in Tampa it is our mission “To make and send disciples who live and love like Jesus.”  As disciples, our focus is to  build spiritual transformation through relationships.   Becoming a disciple is built around three key attributes: following Christ (head), being changed by Christ (heart), committing to the mission of Christ (hands).

Begin your discipleship journey at Sunday Worship Service  and  by joining one of our many Real Life Groups.

.Our Real Life Groups  provide something for just about everyone, from men’s and women’s fellowship and study groups, Bible studies, Sunday School, support groups,  groups for accountability, fellowship, recreation, youth, children’s ministries, and much more.