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Children’s Ministries

Pre-School (4) – 5th Grade

It is our goal at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church to empower our children with God’s word so they may go out and become Disciples of Christ. We do this through Bible study, music, worship, fellowship, and fun.

Come and join us — we welcome you! Our children have a wonderful time learning about the love of Christ. With programs running throughout the week, every child finds a place to belong.

Sunday Mornings

Preschool & Elementary in Promiseland

 We light up the Promiseland room with praise and worship, fun games and our very own G-News Daily!  We meet Sundays 10am – 11:15am during Sunday Worship Service. The Kids learn lessons based on the Faith Weaver Series. Faith Weaver is designed to take kids and their families through the entire Bible. Each section is broken down in a child friendly format and we’ve incorporated that into our G-News Daily Show. We open 15 minutes before the service so that the children have time to sign in with their parent/responsible adult, play games and complete guessing jars! We have Praise and worship, Lesson and small group time to become closer to God. Parents should pick up their children no later than 15 minutes after the close of the service.

Wednesday Night Live – Preschool – 5th Grade

Wednesday Night Live offers the children a way to experience a lesson via Bible lessons, games, music, craft and fellowship. We meet from 6:00– 8:00 pm. We begin with a lite dinner and follow with a music and dance activity, a craft and some time in gym.  All activities designed to develop Godly wisdom, behaviors and discipline.

During the summer, Wednesday NIght Live takes a break from their weekly meeting but have several fun events through out the summer.