The Bonhoeffer Project Reading: Visualizing Spiritual Practices – Life in the River

The Bonhoeffer Project Reading: Visualizing Spiritual Practices – Life in the River

Imagine a river, wild and rushing. Its roar prevents you from hearing much of anything and its currents create huge sprays of water pouring over you. This river represents modern life, hurried and loud. The easiest thing in the world is to be swept along with its current, just trying to survive, and then to arrive at river’s end asking, “Where did the time go? How did it go so fast?”

Indeed, imagine that you are being swept down the river, but in front of you the current’s flow is interrupted by a huge boulder. Water rushes on either side of the great rock, but a dry space, untouched by the water’s stream, has been created behind it. At first you are frightened by the boulder and by what might happen if you run into it, so you swim to the side, trying to avoid it. But then you realize that the boulder might offer you something that the river never can, since the river never lets you rest. So you start swimming toward it. With some serious effort, you are able to exit the wild rush of water and stand in the dry area. You are no longer knocked about. You can breathe easily. Miraculously, as you step into the space, the roar of the river somehow recedes. You can hear your own thoughts connecting with the quiet in a new way.

When you enter back into the river, things are different. The current doesn’t seem as strong. Maybe you’ve just become a better swimmer? The roar of the river still seems quieter, too. And your heart is encouraged when you see another boulder in front of you. You repeat the process, finding that when you engage the waters again, the current seems weaker still. Now rather than being afraid of the boulders or wanting to avoid them, you are, with gladness, on the lookout for the next one.

In this little parable, the boulder represents a spiritual practice. A practice creates a space that we can enter for the transformation of our soul; it’s a space in which we encounter Jesus and are empowered to live in a new way. Through the space created by spiritual practices, we are literally able to receive grace and power from on high so that we can be in the water in a new way.

Methodists United in Prayer

Methodists United in Prayer


…. until 1968 the Methodist churches in Cuba were part of the Florida Annual Conference?  In   1997 a covenant document was signed by Cuban and Florida Bishops, renewing the relationship, and a new ministry was born: The Cuba/Florida Covenant, now known as the Methodist United in Prayer

….. this ministry’s main purpose is prayer, intercession and caring for the physical and spiritual lives of each other in the churches with which we partner?  This is the sister church relationship

…. the total number of Methodist churches in Cuba is 497? Approximately half of these churches have sister churches or supplemental salaries for pastors, with Florida churches. The total number of Methodist missions throughout the Island is over 1,300.

…. before the Covid pandemic, hundreds of Florida church members went on mission trips (caravans) to Cuba to visit their sister churches? On these trips they took needed supplies but, mostly they went to sustain a personal, covenantal relationship with our brothers and sister there.   These travelers confessed, upon their return, that they received more than they had taken.  The fire of the Holy Spirit was ignited in them when worshipping in their churches.  Travel now has become quite impossible so we only have internet/phone communications with them.  The news is not good.

…. before the Covid pandemic, many Cuban pastors and laity visited us and spread the Word of God throughout our churches?  Unfortunately, this has also stopped for now.

…. Wesley MUMC has a sister church in Cuba? Yes, it’s called Media Luna (Half Moon) Methodist Church and we maintain a loving sister relationship with Pastora Misleydis and the church.  Every week they faithfully pray for us and we pray for them.  Wesley has sent toys, medicines and financial help to our brothers and sisters there.  A water purification system was sent to a larger church that covers all their area.  All have been very much appreciative of our caring interest.

…. the Covid pandemic has hit our brothers and sister there very badly? The Cuba ministry Task Force is constantly trying to find ways to help alleviate some of their situations.

For information on the Methodist United in Prayer ministry and how you can participate, go to If you want to financially support this ministry, click on GIVE at the top and consider the several ways in which you can do that: Support a Pastor, District (Media Luna Church’s districts is Sierra Maestra), Medicines, Wherever needed most.    For further information you may contact Renee Kincaid, [email protected]



A water purifying system was sent to the  Niquero Methodist Church in Cuba . It took a while installing it to the roof of the church.

This is the church closest to Media Luna Methodist Church that has the potential to get pure water to larger amounts of persons in the churches around there and the community as well.

(Picture of the purifier system, security cage and the red water tank next to them)

This system is capable of producing a continuous supply of water at the rate of 3 1/2 gallons per minute and can produce over 5,037gallons/day of safe, great tasting drinking water for less than one US cent per liter.

Niquero Church’s Pastor Yimmi saysl: “What a difference this water makes! We had even forgotten what pure water tasted like. Now we don’t have to get unclean water from wells and rivers”.

Everyone in the nearby churches and the community want to express their immense gratitude to those who made this possible.  May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Please continue praying for Pastora Misleydis, our sister church in Cuba, Media Luna Methodist Church and all our brothers and sisters there who tells us “In spite of the further difficulties and limitations that the  Corona-virus has imposed in our lives we rejoiced over and celebrated  our Lord and Savior’s birth with singing and “distancing” fellowship.  At Christmas eve service several persons gave their lives to the Lord, Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!  May the peace of God cover and bless you always”


Silver Saints

Silver Saints Forward and Together !

If you haven’t hear about Silver Saints, it is the senior ministry of our church.  Most of us may have silver hair (some covered with dye!) but that doesn’t mean we are sitting around in our rocking chairs.

This group meets quarterly with a themed meeting, a meal, games, devotions and lots of good fellowship. 

Susan Ivins, Marlen and Dave Rose serving Rich Cockburn on Valentine’s Day.

We also do service projects in the community.  The last one we completed was reading to the children at Bridges.  Currently, because of social distancing, we have been unable to meet in person, but we are staying in touch through email.  If you’d like to get on the email list for updates, let Susan Ivins know at  [email protected]

Right now, our service project is supporting the Operation Shoebox ministry.  We have volunteer runners who are ready to pick up your items at the store or your home and bring them to the church.  We are anxiously waiting for our next in person meeting and will be sure to let you know about it. We hope that you can join us at that time.  We don’t care what your age is, but certainly we’ll be happy to see you!

Wesley’s Nurture Ministry

Wesley’s Nurture Ministry

The mission of Wesley’s Nurture Ministry is to show God’s love by providing communion, visitations, cards and prayers for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are experiencing trials and difficult times.  As difficult times are in abundance these days, there is plenty to be done. The Shepherding Team has put our mission into action on a large scale as they have faithfully reached out to Wesley members during this time of isolation. They have been able to make important connections with many who are homebound or shut-in at nursing or rehabilitation facilities. It is my prayer that we continue to strengthen and serve these connections.

We hope that providing communion or communion supplies to members who are not able to come to church is a service ministry that will continue to grow. With the new self-service communion “kits” we have stocked, the elements representing His body and blood are available to be delivered during the week prior to Communion Sunday (the first Sunday of the month). Members are then able to take communion with the congregation as they watch the service online. Communion servers are also returning to action, taking the elements into homes where desired in order to serve the sacraments to members in person.

If the Holy Spirit is leading you to help with this ministry, please let me know! If you or someone you know would like to have communion served or the elements delivered, please be sure I have that information.

I can be reached at 813-499-7167 or [email protected].
Carol Dittmar

Steps that You Need to Follow to Watch the Livestream Sunday Worship Service.

Steps that You Need to Follow to Watch the Livestream Sunday Worship Service

Before all, thank you for showing us your interest of watching the Wesley Memorial UMC Livestream Service thru Facebook at this time. For those individuals who are interested in joining us on Facebook and would like to know how to navigate to the Livestream Service, please follow the steps below.

1. If you have already created a Facebook page, go to Step 6.
2. If you haven’t created a Facebook page, you must first ‘Create a New Account’ with Facebook at ‘’.
3. Fill in the required information and then click on the green button ‘Sign Up’.
4. Your Facebook page has been created.
5. If needed, refresh and then use your login information to access your Facebook page.

6. From your Facebook home page, type  wesleymemorialtampa/ in the ‘Search’ field and press enter. The Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church page should display on your screen.
7. Verify that the photo is the same as the one that appears above.
8. Once you’re there, click ‘like’ and ‘following’ the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church.  
9. After you do this, the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church will be added as one of ‘Your Groups’.  
10. Going forward, from your Facebook page, all you have to do is click on the ‘Your Groups’ icon and select Wesley Memorial Methodist Church. 
11. Then, to watch the scheduled livestream presentation, you only have to be present when the livestream begins at the scheduled time.
12. IF you want to watch the recorded presentation, look for the ‘Videos’ button and click on it.
13. From the Videos page, you search for the Livestream Worship Service that you choose to watch. 

Word of Encouragement

Until recently, I had not realized that one of the things Jesus does is use my encouragement for you not only today as you need it, but he saves it for tomorrow.  That is such a comforting thought and it adds a new dimension to my work as a pastor.  So today I would like to encourage you to invite someone to church for Easter, not just so that they can have a great Easter morning, but so that God can have an opportunity to alter their eternity.  On Easter I will be sharing about how wisdom builds a house that lasts forever.  Easer is the number one day people are willing to answer yes to your invitation to attend church.  We have created beautiful invitation cards for you to use.  We are going to have a great brunch as an opportunity for you to sit with your guests and for us to meet them with extreme hospitality.  This is your chance to be involved in changing someone’s eternity.  Bring someone on Easter.  There will be two services:  9 am and 11:15 with brunch in between.  Children’s promiseland at both services this Easter.  Lets give God a great chance to get to work.

Word of Encouragement

“We must not be led to believe that the Disciplines are only for spiritual giants and hence beyond our reach. Far from it. God intends the Disciplines of the spiritual life to be for ordinary human beings: people who have jobs, who care for children, who wash dishes and mow lawns.” Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline. I have had quite a few people respond to the sermon series on discipline from Luke. Several talk with me as though I am sharing something beyond their ability to either understand or accomplish. Nothing could be further from the truth. Take the example I used Sunday. Penny gave me a hug as soon as she saw me. I get to feel the hug and her love for me, and it feels good. What we fail to realize in the moment is that Jesus takes that act of love and saves it for me, for when I need it, in deep places, when life is hard. That is not so difficult to understand and any one of us can give someone a hug, send a card of encouragement to a friend, stand by someone when others leave. We can all do that. It is just discipline. Every meal Herman and the men make, every bag Jamie and Pack a Sack fills, every card you all sent to Brenda, all of it gets saved, stored up, lined up for a powerful moment of worship. We do not do these things to get a thank you from those we help. We do it because we never know which act of love is going to be remembered in deep dark places when someone needs God.


Word of Encouragement

I am encouraged by my God.  Every day!  A great lesson for me right now is, “today is the only day you have right now, so make it a good one.”  It is not like there are not days when I feel discouraged.  There are.  It is just that now I know what I need to do on those days.  Wanna know?  The whole of it lies in a simple word, trust.  I have come to trust that today is a day the Lord has made, so I will rejoice and be glad in it.  Even though my heart may be sad, my soul can rejoice.  The reality of this overflows in all of scripture, old and new testaments, men and women, prophets, kings, slaves and priests.  Nearly everyone comes to the same conclusion.  And though each of us may travel a different difficult path to get to the answer, the answer is the same for all of us.  So friends, this is the very best day God has in store for you.  Make the most of it.  Rejoice and be glad.

Word of Encouragement

For Paul, each church he started has its own feel. The people in the church set the mood and the church rises and falls on the work of the people.  Paul just loves the way the Philippian church works, the way the people make good things happen. He says, “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” Philippians 2:1-2 Any leaders’ greatest joy is watching his people succeed and work together on purpose. We have a sequence of planned opportunities that are all meant to work together so that we can connect with those longing for a relationship with Jesus. March 10 we will have a ministry fair in church as we form teams to create a Good Old Fashioned Easter. Everyone will have a chance to get on board and create an opportunity to connect with friends and neighbors on Easter. Then on March 16 we will have a get ready to go day here on campus and get the campus ready for our visitors. All hands on deck as there are many projects. Then on Easter we plan to have not only great services of celebration but an outstanding brunch, a fun photo op for families and some games and an egg hunt for the children. Join in the fun and make the joy of the Lord come alive for others.

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie