The Chrismon tree stands tall in the sanctuary of Cornelia United Methodist Church in Cornelia, Georgia. Photo by Claire DeLand, courtesy of Creative Commons.

Chrismons, meaning “Christ monograms,” traditionally are white and gold designs made from Christian symbols that signify Christ. Often displayed on an evergreen tree during the Christmas season, symbols such as stars, crosses, fish, crowns, and the alpha and omega remind us of Christ’s identity, his story, and of the Holy Trinity.

In historic times of religious persecution, Christian symbols provided a sort of coded language among believers. For example, a simple line drawing of a fish on a wall might look like graffiti but this ichthys or “Jesus fish” was one of the most sacred symbols among early Christians.

Later, the symbols were featured prominently in the stained glass windows of churches. Before Bibles became available and affordable to everyday people, Bible stories could be told and re-told using these familiar, easy to remember depictions. 

The concept of Chrismons as tree decorations was first developed in 1957 by Frances Spencer and the women of the Ascension Lutheran Church in Danville, VA. Many other churches picked up on this, including the United Methodist Church, and have a long history of displaying a Chrismon tree during the Advent and Christmas season decorated with these handmade ornaments, each with their own special meaning.

The women of our Wesley Memorial United Church made our current Chrismons over 30 years ago. Through the years, some have been rehabbed but many have fallen apart. Last year they were looking a little sparse on our new twelve foot Christmas trees. So this year we want to get an early start on making new ones for the upcoming season and hoping to get everyone in the congregation involved.

Starting in September, every Tuesday from 2:00pm – 5:00pm, the craft room will be open to anyone who would like to help put the Chrismons together. They will be precut and ready to decorate with lots of various materials available from the craft ladies. The craft ladies will be busy getting ready for the Craft Fair on October 19, so depending on the turn out, we may move to the multi-purpose room if necessary. There will be a book of examples of decorated Chrismons for inspiration. Let the office know if you would like to get together a group of friends and schedule a different time to come in for a mini Chrismon Party. Perhaps some of the church ministries could work in a special time with their members?

We are planning to have a Church Chrismon party Sunday, Nov. 3 immediately after the Worship Service. We hope to have churchwide family participation in this project and make it a memorable time for both adults and children.

Click here to see some of the common Christian symbols used for Chrismons and their meaning.



You are invited to a special Blessing of the Backpacks during the Wesley Worship Service. . Bring your children with their back and place them on the altar for a special blessing as they commit to study and learning in the upcoming school year.



Get your reservations in now! There is a limit of 50 people for the 6pm presentation.

Carpooling from the church parking lot will be available.  If you want to carpool, let us know when you RSVP if you are willing to drive or just want a ride. The church is offering this event to you free of charge but donations are welcomed to help defray the cost.  You can put your donation in the Sunday offering in a marked envelope or bring by church office Mon. – Thurs. from 9am-3pm. 



We will be have confirmation classes for both youth and adults!
Register now and invite a friend!

Sunday, April 28th both Youth and Adult classes will meet together at Upper Tampa Bay Park. Please bring a picnic dish to share with others.

These classes are recommended for anyone who wants to strengthen their faith, interested in getting baptized or just want to learn more about the basics of faith.

Baptisms will be offered Sat., May 11 near Sylvia and Sarah Young’s and Jeff Scully’s place at Landmark Towers on Sand Key. The address is 1250 Gulf Blvd., Clearwater, FL 33767. Bring a picnic dish to share. More details to follow closer to the date. Confirmation Sunday will be on Mother’s Day, May 12 during church.  After the service there will be a Celebration Gathering in the overflow area with cake and punch for both confirmations and Mother’s Day! Come and let us all celebrate together!



Join us Sunday, Feb. 18th for a reboot of the Wesley Youth Group who have taken claim of the name Ruah!

Ruah, (pronounced in Hebrew Ruach), is the Hebrew word translated as God’s Spirit. However, the word is also translated as breath, air, and wind in the Scriptures, reminding each of us of the physicalness of God’s presence in the world.

At the Last Supper, Jesus told the apostles that He would send His Advocate:  John 14:16 “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always..” This spirit, RUAH, is alive in our world and in our own bodies.  He is with us always. We can offer our very breath to Him and allow Him to transform our lives and the lives of those around us every day. We can dedicate every moment of our lives to His Glory by dedicating every breath to Him and His Will.  Lord, let every breath, as I speak your name, praise you and bring me ever closer to you and your will and help us.

This year the Youth Group will be lead by a group of dedicated volunteers, including Kristine Johnson, Jensen Senson, and Marilyn Preston, as well as others who will join in throughout the year. We are excited for a new year of deep spiritual growth and some fun!



Wesley will have a special covenant service Sunday, February 18 during the 10am worship service. This is a service designed to allow us all to rededicate our hearts and lives to
the work of our Lord. Click here to preview the entire service.



Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash
Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It’s a period of
preparation to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we
seek the Lord in prayer by reading our Bibles; we serve by giving an offering;
and we practice self-control through fasting. We are called not only to abstain
from luxuries during Lent, but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to
follow Christ’s will more faithfully. We recall the waters of baptism in which
we were also baptized into Christ’s death, died to sin and evil, and began new
life in Christ.

We are also called to practice self-discipline and fast in other ways throughout
the season. In addition, the giving of alms is one way to share God’s gifts—not
only through the distribution of money, but through the sharing of our time
and talents.

In Lent, the baptized are called to renew their baptismal commitment as
others prepare to be baptized. To this end, we are offering a covenant service
Sunday, February 18 at the morning service, which will include communion.
This is a service designed to allow us all to rededicate our hearts and lives to
the work of our Lord.

We are also going to offer a baptism by immersion
service right after Easter for those who are seeking baptism. Lent is a
traditional time of preparation for those wishing to be baptized.
Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 14 at 7 pm. We all have ashes
created from last year’s Palm Sunday branches placed on our foreheads to
help us remember the significance of the cross.