Wesley’s Nurture Ministry

The mission of Wesley’s Nurture Ministry is to show God’s love by providing communion, visitations, cards and prayers for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are experiencing trials and difficult times. As difficult times are in abundance these days, there is plenty to be done. The Shepherding Team has put our mission into action on a large scale as they have faithfully reached out to Wesley members during this time of isolation. They have been able to make important connections with many who are homebound or shut-in at nursing or rehabilitation facilities. It is my prayer that we continue to strengthen and serve these connections.
We hope that providing communion or communion supplies to members who are not able to come to church is a service ministry that will continue to grow. With the new self-service communion “kits” we have stocked, the elements representing His body and blood are available to be delivered during the week prior to Communion Sunday (the first Sunday of the month). Members are then able to take communion with the congregation as they watch the service online. Communion servers are also returning to action, taking the elements into homes where desired in order to serve the sacraments to members in person.
If the Holy Spirit is leading you to help with this ministry, please let me know! If you or someone you know would like to have communion served or the elements delivered, please be sure I have that information.
I can be reached at 813-499-7167 or [email protected].
Carol Dittmar