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Word of Encouragement

I was encouraged Sunday by the number of folks who told me they were fasting and praying for wisdom, and I am sure there are twice as many who just did not want to say anything. As we turn our face to the Lord, I am reminded of Psalm 121, "I lift up my…

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Word of Encouragement

John the Baptist sure was a character, simply waiting in the desert till he heard from God that it was time to fulfill his calling. No one really knows how long he waited, for some reason I think it was a very long time. Throughout the Bible, trips to the desert tended to…

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Word of Encouragement

Happy New Year Wesley. During this season, many of us look back at all we can celebrate and look forward to what night be in the days ahead. 2019 is going to be a most challenging and exciting year for us. In reading through Luke and preparing for upcoming messages, I know…

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Word of Encouragement

So Sunday I talked about Joseph and the phrase "after he considered this..." He was considering his own life and what to do with the news that Mary was pregnant and the child was not his. When he was finished considering how this would affect his future, he was afraid to take her…

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Word of Encouragement

When I was in college a lifetime ago, one of the fad psychology trends was centering. Gurus offered seminars and even classes on centering. Of course I took one. Could not resist. So the basic idea was to think your way through the clutter of life, you had to peel back…

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Word of Encouragement

One of the leadership principles I have learned over the years is that when things get a little crazy, just simplify and focus of what you do well and what is most important. I have enacted this principle many times in my personal and professional life. It works. I have simplified the…

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Word of Encouragement

After a wonderful Veteran's Day celebration in church Sunday we got to have a pot-luck dinner. Boy those are really good. I remember as a kid growing up how much I liked those. Good memories. And there were lots of children who joined us for the festivities. Thank you to all who made that possible,…

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Word of Encouragement

I am excited to be sharing with the congregation our "Red Letter Study." We will begin with Luke, move thru Acts and finish with Revelation. The plan is to look at all of the things Jesus actually said so that we know His teaching. This will take a while to accomplish. I…

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Word of Encouragement

The two secrets of the parables in Matthew are no longer a secret for us. Jesus is the messiah who dies on the cross for the forgiveness of our sin so that we might have everlasting life. This is the central message of all Christians and all of Christianity and it is the only message…

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