July 10, 2018

Word of Encouragement

I have been captivated by Paul since we began studying Philippians together.  One of the decisions he makes is to become a prisoner so that he can go to Rome and witness to Caesar’s household.  He deliberately makes himself a prisoner so that he can witness in Rome.  That is some kind of commitment.  It would take a powerful force to get a man to do that.  And a powerful force it was.  In Acts 23, Paul has a second vision, a sequel to his Damascus experience.  23:11 says, “The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, ‘Take courage!  As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.'”  I guess having the Lord standing next to you is a powerful force.  Have there been times in your life when the direction you were to go was that clear?  It is hard to compete with the Lord standing next to you, but I have had some really clear instructions in my life, decisions that set a course for me that is still playing out.  It is so good to know that God can be clear as crystal sometimes.  I hope and pray God’s intentions for you are crystal clear today.

~Grace & Peace~

Pastor Ernie

July 3, 2018

Word of Encouragement

This past Sunday we talked about how God will complete the work He started in us. (Philippians 1:6) How comforting it is to recognize God is at work. And how important for me to recognize that I need work. Knowing I am a work in progress frees me to be honest with myself and really with everyone else about where I am in my journey. In fact, knowing that I still need some transformation is one of the key marks of a disciple. Of course I do not want random transformation, or transformation just for change sake. Rather, I want purposeful change. I want God to reveal to me what changes need to happen so that I can become more and more like Christ. So my prayer is that God reveal to each of us what it means to become like Jesus. And the word of encouragement for today, “I am not yet perfect.” And God has not given up on me.

June 27, 2018

Word of Encouragement

  1. This past Sunday I shared a key verse for Wesley’s future, Matthew 4:19. “Come follow me an I will make you fishers of men.” In this short verse, we can find the three essential characteristics that mark us as disciples.
    1. Come follow me: disciples follow Jesus and long to learn, know and follow his teachings and seek to replicate His behaviors and attitudes.
    2. And I will make you: disciples understand that we all need transformation and we offer ourselves to Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit so that we can be changed. Our goal is to become like Jesus.
    3. Fishers of men: disciples live out our lives on mission. Jesus’ mission to make disciples becomes our mission and we work diligently to live on purpose. We live to make and send disciples into the world who will make more disciples.
This past weekend, 17 people from Wesley attended a training conference, Discipleshift, to empower us and help us learn how to be a church that focuses on making disciples who make disciples. It was certainly the most practical and reproducible training I have ever attended and we are all so thankful and look forward to helping Wesley lead into the future. Already two who went to training have stared implementing what we learned. We now have a ministry for middle schoolers on Sunday mornings at 11. It went very well this past Sunday. Thank you to Kristine Johnson and Paula Walker for teaming up to make that happen. Jesus makes it clear that we are all called to make disciples and get connected to other people. Our mission is to make disciples and I want to encourage you in your journey. Soon we will be establishing the process we will be using for discipleship, called Real Life Discipleship. We will be getting a second team together to go to training in the fall, pray about this and see if God is calling you to be a disciple maker.

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie

June 20, 2018

Word Encouragement

“Lean on me, when you’re not strong, I’ll be your friend. I’ll help you carry on. For, It won’t be long, till I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.” Some of us remember this song. I remember we sang it all the time on family vacations. We even started singing it in church when I entered the ministry many moons ago. Not a bad theme song for a church. I just finished a tour of the Edison and Ford winter residences in Fort Meyers and have quite an astounding example of real partnership. Come Sunday and I will tell you more.

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie

June 12, 2018

Word of Encouragement

I have been reading a couple of books by Jim Putman, pastor of a church in Iowa, and he has helped me begin to see how we will be able to implement a new plan and measure success in a different way. I recommend reading his book REAL LIFE DISCIPLESHIP. I get so encouraged when God sends resources my way to help see the ministry and my work. We are studying Philippians and Paul talks fondly of his ministry in that community. One of the chief reasons he loves them so is that they were willing to work hard to make the church happen in the community. He calls them “partners in the gospel.” Next week a group of 18 of us will be going to a training in Fort Meyers to learn how to implement a discipleship process known as “Real Life Discipleship.” As I have read about this process, it sounds so much like what has historically been successful here at Wesley. I am thankful for the folks who are willing to work hard to make Wesley successful. Please be in prayer for them. It is critical that we all know what is most important. Jesus makes our mission clear. We are to make disciples of Jesus. Everything we do is all about making disciples of Jesus and giving disciples a chance to witness to the world that Jesus is Lord. Our work in the homeless ministry, Pack a Sack, Cold weather shelter, Bridges, Promiseland, youth ministry, Sunday morning worship, free yard sale, quilting, crafts, Thanksgiving meals, everything should push forward our goal of making disciples of Jesus. And every person who wants Wesley to be successful needs to be a partner in this mission. We all need to be on board, making disciples together for Jesus. Every person has a place and a call and every ministry needs passionate people. We will be challenging people to step up this summer and giving you a chance to know how you can contribute in the work of the kingdom. Be ready to say yes!

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie

June 6, 2018

Word of Encouragement

We moved and the packing and most of the unpacking is completed.  One of the good things about unpacking is the new appreciation you get for those things that spur memories from years ago.  When Brenda and I were first married, as a celebration of my graduation from Princeton Seminary, we went to Europe to visit my family and travel.  I took Brenda to many of the places I visited as a high school kid and we went to a few new places.  As a young man, my mom and dad would often visit the downtown market in Frankfurt Germany close to where we lived.  I loved that place.  It was filled with so many worthless things and so many treasures.  Brenda and I went there and we have a painting of the square to commemorate the memory.  I really like the painting and we hung it up in our new home in a place where I can see it every day.  I see the people and the old stone church and colorful umbrellas, the fruits and vegetables of the market.  God has given us a tremendous gift in our ability to remember things.  Good memories help our minds to dwell on what is good.  The deliberate discipline of remembering good things impacts our today.  A good memory makes us smile on the inside.  That can be a huge help.  In Philippians 4, Paul encourages us to let our minds dwell on things that are good and true and right and noble. So spend a little time today thinking about all that has been good in your life…

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie

May 31, 2018

Word of Encouragement

I was talking with my son last week and got a sense from his voice that he needed a little life encouragement, so I went to his house and put a new set of stairs in for him.  Now that may seem like an odd response but I knew he needed more than words.  When we think about encouraging someone, too often we think of what we can say.  I have come to believe that there often is not much said that really helps, so I just show up.  Then I do something.  Our presence and our assistance is often all someone needs to buck up and get going again.  As I was leaving, my son said, “thank you so much for coming and helping.  The timing was perfect.  I was just about to give up on it.”  You and I never really know when the timing is perfect, so we should assume that now is better than later.  Take some time to encourage someone this week.  Do it without saying anything.
~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie

May 24, 2018

Word of Encouragement

I have been moving these last couple of weeks and am noticing some aches and pains I did not have last time I moved, especially in my hands. I was not kind to my hands as a young man and have the scars to help me remember how foolish and impulsive I was. I broke 11 bones in my hands, my left pinky six times. Set it myself the last four times I broke it. When I was a young youth pastor, I would teach the teens a saying to help them make decisions: “You are fast becoming what you soon shall be.” I thought that might help some of them to think through something before they acted. Whew, I wish I would have taken my own advice. The pain in my hands reminds me of the lingering effect of sin in our earthly relationships. Sometimes something we did a long time ago still sits with us, we can feel it, it pains us as sin should. Perhaps the reminders keep us from repeating old patterns. I am thankful for a relationship with Jesus that empowers me to live through the pain of old sins. We should all be thankful we have a savior who forgives and heals. How miserable would it be to have to live permanently with the pain of sin? Thank you Jesus for providing a better way.

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie

May 17, 2018

Word of Encouragement

“I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.” Psalm 16:7 In His infinite wisdom, God knows that we need steady counsel, night and day. So He chooses to speak with those who praise Him. We all know we praise God in our song. we can also praise God in or prayers, our meditation, our awe. Yesterday we had to put down our little dog Prada. It was traumatic. I was privileged to watch my seven year old grandson Ezekiel do his very best to comfort his Mema and make her smile. Over the course of several hours he asked her again and again to watch him, to go for a walk, did she want a drink. Finally we all went for a walk in the rain and he sang and splashed and danced, all meant to make his Mema happy. When we go back, she was still sad and he asked if he could do anything more to make her happy. She said, “sometimes people are sad and it is ok to be sad.” With that he instantly started crying. His mema gave him permission to be sad.

Today I am praising God because I have a grandson who at seven years old knows a whole lot about putting other people first. That is worthy of praise.

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie

May 10, 2018

Word of Encouragement

I saw a massive turtle in the lake by my apartment yesterday, one of the biggest fresh water turtles I have ever seen, a snapping turtle. As soon as my feet hit the sidewalk, he plunged into the water. I can only assume he felt the need to protect himself from me. He does not even know me. But I am guessing he knows my kind and enough of us have threatened his kind over the centuries that now the flight response is instinctive. I wonder how long it takes for us to have our instincts changed. When threatened by sin, just when will we instinctively hide away?

I saw a commercial on TV last night. Here is a quote, “No matter where the light goes, the darkness has always gotten there first.” We do not often think of Jesus’ time on earth as light entering the darkness. Perhaps we should. When Jesus enters the life of the disciples, do they even know they are living in darkness? Watching people in the world today, I would guess most of them knew something was amiss but were unsure about what it was or how to get it fixed. Nathaniel was just sitting under a fig tree; Peter was working; Andrew was home. Did they all know something was amiss in their life? My guess is, yes. Otherwise they would not have left everything to follow. So when did the light dawn for them?

The chance for hope walked right up to them and invited them on a journey. But the real light took years to shine. The real light took deep darkness. The real light required a cross. Only when hope seemed shattered did they give Jesus the room he needs to dawn a new hope. So where are we in our journey? The darkness always seems to be ahead of the light. The light once it shines shatters the darkness. The darker the day, the brighter the light. Settle down in the light, soak up the Son, and when danger comes, slide away.

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie