Bonhoeffer Project Reading
Taken from the Bonhoeffer Project Participants Guide
"What does it mean to be saved? Saved from what? And for what purpose? While God has provided an answer for us, the church also struggles to answer some of these basic questions. What we are saved from? What we are saved for? The popular…
The Bonhoeffer Project Reading: Visualizing Spiritual Practices - Life in the River
Imagine a river, wild and rushing. Its roar prevents you from hearing much of anything and its currents create huge sprays of water pouring over you. This river represents modern life, hurried and loud. The easiest thing in the world…
Methodists United in Prayer
.... until 1968 the Methodist churches in Cuba were part of the Florida Annual Conference? In 1997 a covenant document was signed by Cuban and Florida Bishops, renewing the relationship, and a new ministry was born: The Cuba/Florida Covenant, now known as the Methodist United in Prayer…
A water purifying system was sent to the Niquero Methodist Church in Cuba . It took a while installing it to the roof of the church.
This is the church closest to Media Luna Methodist Church that has the potential to get pure water to larger amounts of persons…
Silver Saints Forward and Together !
If you haven’t hear about Silver Saints, it is the senior ministry of our church. Most of us may have silver hair (some covered with dye!) but that doesn’t mean we are sitting around in our rocking chairs.
This group meets quarterly with a themed meeting, a meal, games,…
Wesley's Nurture Ministry
The mission of Wesley's Nurture Ministry is to show God's love by providing communion, visitations, cards and prayers for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are experiencing trials and difficult times. As difficult times are in abundance these days, there is plenty to be done. The Shepherding Team has put…
Steps that You Need to Follow to Watch the Livestream Sunday Worship Service
Before all, thank you for showing us your interest of watching the Wesley Memorial UMC Livestream Service thru Facebook at this time. For those individuals who are interested in joining us on Facebook and would like to know how to navigate…
Chancel Choir
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
Our Chancel Choir is always open for new members but I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite all who love music to come join us. Of course, reading music is a big plus, but about 60% of our choir does not, yet they learn right along…
100 Days till Easter
How to Begin Your Fast and Prayer time
STEP 1: Setting the Objective
Why are we fasting? We are fasting for spiritual renewal, for guidance, for the gift of generosity to pour over Wesley, for special grace to handle a difficult situation. So we ask the Holy Spirit to clarify His leading…
If shopping on Amazon is on your to do list for this upcoming Holiday Season, then please consider making Wesley (and the Pack a Sack program) your preferred AmazonSmile foundation of choice.
Wesley is now part of the AmazonSmile program. For those who do not know – here is information on AmazonSmile:
AmazonSmile is a website operated…