Holy Week starts Palm Sunday thru Holy Saturday, the day before Easter.

Holy Week begins with the commemoration of Christ’s Triumpal Entry into Jerusaleum
on Palm Sunday, marks the betrayal of Jesus on Wednesday,
climaxing with the commemoration of the Last Supper
on Maundy Thursday
and the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday.

The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin word “mandatum” meaning “Command.”
Maundy Thursday marks the night of the Last Supper when Jesus COMMANDED
that people should love one another
and that same night he then washed the feet
of his disciples as an act of kindness.
Jesus told his followers “A New COMMAND I give you.
Love one another as I have loved you ,
so you must love one another.”
John 13:34

That terrible Friday has been called Good Friday
because it led to the resurrection of Jesus
and His victory over death and sin
which we celebrate on Easter Sunday.
The very pinnacle of Christian celebrations.


Leading up to the Nehemiah Action, HOPE will have meet up on Monday, Feb. 27 at Hyde Park United Methodist Church at 7:00pm to rally all Network Members to learn what we discovered during our research and what we want from public officials at the Nehemiah Action. Network member make committments toward the Nehemiah Action.

The Nehemiah Action will then meet at Bible-Based Fellowship Church at 7:00pm on March 20th. The goal is to get as many people possible there to stand in unity as HOPE makes a petition to public officials for progress in specific areas. Wesley has made a goal of getting a minimum of 40 people from our congregation to join us at this event. The power of numbers in people helps the petition for much needed improvements in Hillsborough County and hold our publc oficials accountable for justice.

For more information, please contact Carol Dittmar at (813)499-7167 or [email protected].

You can also learn more about the HOPE Organization here.


Habana Art Activity for October

UPDATE! See special moments of our October activity here!

Join us for a fun activity at Habana Health Care Center! For October, we will be decorating masks that were recycled from Pastor Ernie’s Sermon series on Corinthians!

Wesley does a monthly art activity at Habana on the last Saturday of each month. If you would like to join the Habana Team, please email [email protected]


Wesley will continue the tradition of blessing famiies with a complimentary meal on Thanksgiving Day. Last year, due to covid, we had a drive thru and delivery service. In the past we had a sit down dinner as well, and hopefully if covid is at bay, we will again this year.

This is a great way to spend Thanksgiving Day fellowshiping with other members while serving the community. It has been a welcomed blessing to struggling families and individuals who find themselves alone for the holiday, as well as the people who serve.

If you would like to volunteer to help serve this year in the Community Thanksgiving Meal, please contact the church office at [email protected]

Below are pictures from last year!


Go Day

UPDATE! You can see moments from our Go Day 2022 planning day here!

Go Days will be scheduled for the month of November. We are needing people to volunteer to be a team leader. Various teams will be set up and paired with the best suited task. Please contact the church office if you are willing to be a leader. This year George and Terry Mummert have agreed to help coordinate activities.

If you know of someone who needs a little extra help, please submit info to church office. Please include address, contact number and a description of the need. We will start a listing now and then turn over to George and Terry to coordinate as we approach closer to November.

Other People are Important!

Click here for Instagram reel of a previous Go Day!



Trunk r’ Treat

An Annual Kid’s Event at Wesley in October

This has become a tradition at Wesley now for many years. The entire Wesley congregation is encouraged to participate and all in the community are welcome! There is music, trunks, games and more! All in the church and community are welcomed to register a decorated trunk for the event.

To see a short video of the 2022 event, click here!

Below are some pictures the 2021 event!

Because of Covid, it was a drive thru in the parking lot.



Wesley’s Annual Fall & Christmas Bazaar is scheduled this year for Sat. October 15th from 9am – 4pm and Sunday, October 16th from 10am to 2pm.

Come shop for one of a kind hand made gifts and decorations!  Enter the raffle for a chance to win one of two beautiful Christmas Quilts!!!  All proceeds go to the support of missions at Wesley & around the world!  Invite your friends and family! Please share this event with your friends, family and neighbors!



UPDATE! See special moments of the Youth Takeover here! And here!

Wesley Youth, AKA “God Gang” took over the 2nd Sunday Service on Sept. 11th, 18th and 25th. They were busy preparing since July and their efforts were appreciated! This is a great opportunity for the Wesley Youth to show us what they have been up to and their ideas for worship service. Thank You Pastor Ernie for giving them this opportunity!

You can see a short instagram reel of them preparing for a skit to be presented here!

Thank You God Gang for such a great presentation on Mental Health! See some special moments here!