Word of Encouragement

The Mentor Leader, Chapter two. Great teams have a chemistry and that chemistry begins with a fundamental attitude. Life is not about me. Leaders on winning teams have decided they want to mentor younger players because there really is no way to win otherwise. “The mentoring mindset can be seen in Jesus’ interactions with others.” Mentor leaders decide to look beyond themselves to others and help other people become better people. Leaders decide to make someone else know they are important. Great leaders increase the value of everyone in the room. Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that talent, skill, knowledge, and even Godly blessing is intended for us and then it stops with us. Always God chooses to work through us. Our skills and talents are meant to help others. Our blessings and learnings to assist other people in their life journey. All that is good in life is at its best when it flows through us.

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie