Join us Sunday, Feb. 18th for a reboot of the Wesley Youth Group who have taken claim of the name Ruah!
Ruah, (pronounced in Hebrew Ruach), is the Hebrew word translated as God’s Spirit. However, the word is also translated as breath, air, and wind in the Scriptures, reminding each of us of the physicalness of God’s presence in the world.
At the Last Supper, Jesus told the apostles that He would send His Advocate: John 14:16 “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always..” This spirit, RUAH, is alive in our world and in our own bodies. He is with us always. We can offer our very breath to Him and allow Him to transform our lives and the lives of those around us every day. We can dedicate every moment of our lives to His Glory by dedicating every breath to Him and His Will. Lord, let every breath, as I speak your name, praise you and bring me ever closer to you and your will and help us.
This year the Youth Group will be lead by a group of dedicated volunteers, including Kristine Johnson, Jensen Senson, and Marilyn Preston, as well as others who will join in throughout the year. We are excited for a new year of deep spiritual growth and some fun!