Methodists United in Prayer

…. until 1968 the Methodist churches in Cuba were part of the Florida Annual Conference? In 1997 a covenant document was signed by Cuban and Florida Bishops, renewing the relationship, and a new ministry was born: The Cuba/Florida Covenant, now known as the Methodist United in Prayer
….. this ministry’s main purpose is prayer, intercession and caring for the physical and spiritual lives of each other in the churches with which we partner? This is the sister church relationship
…. the total number of Methodist churches in Cuba is 497? Approximately half of these churches have sister churches or supplemental salaries for pastors, with Florida churches. The total number of Methodist missions throughout the Island is over 1,300.
…. before the Covid pandemic, hundreds of Florida church members went on mission trips (caravans) to Cuba to visit their sister churches? On these trips they took needed supplies but, mostly they went to sustain a personal, covenantal relationship with our brothers and sister there. These travelers confessed, upon their return, that they received more than they had taken. The fire of the Holy Spirit was ignited in them when worshipping in their churches. Travel now has become quite impossible so we only have internet/phone communications with them. The news is not good.
…. before the Covid pandemic, many Cuban pastors and laity visited us and spread the Word of God throughout our churches? Unfortunately, this has also stopped for now.
…. Wesley MUMC has a sister church in Cuba? Yes, it’s called Media Luna (Half Moon) Methodist Church and we maintain a loving sister relationship with Pastora Misleydis and the church. Every week they faithfully pray for us and we pray for them. Wesley has sent toys, medicines and financial help to our brothers and sisters there. A water purification system was sent to a larger church that covers all their area. All have been very much appreciative of our caring interest.
…. the Covid pandemic has hit our brothers and sister there very badly? The Cuba ministry Task Force is constantly trying to find ways to help alleviate some of their situations.
For information on the Methodist United in Prayer ministry and how you can participate, go to If you want to financially support this ministry, click on GIVE at the top and consider the several ways in which you can do that: Support a Pastor, District (Media Luna Church’s districts is Sierra Maestra), Medicines, Wherever needed most. For further information you may contact Renee Kincaid, [email protected]