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Word of Encouragement

"I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me." Psalm 16:7 In His infinite wisdom, God knows that we need steady counsel, night and day. So He chooses to speak with those who praise Him. We all know we praise God in our song. we can also praise God…

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Word of Encouragement

I saw a massive turtle in the lake by my apartment yesterday, one of the biggest fresh water turtles I have ever seen, a snapping turtle. As soon as my feet hit the sidewalk, he plunged into the water. I can only assume he felt the need to protect himself from me. He does not…

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Word of Encouragement

On June 22 and 23, 20 leaders from Wesley will be attending leadership training in Fort Meyers to encourage us and help us learn about Real Life Discipleship. Be in prayer for the leaders: Brad and Ali Hubbard, Steve and Lesley Holroyd, Leslie Berlin, James Pearson, Amy Dissler, Marilyn Preston, Rene and Pete Kincaid, Lester…

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Word of Encouragement

In his letter to the Romans, Paul encourages Christians to "rejoice in their sufferings" because in our troubles and trials of life we know that hope and character are born. I have had tremendous difficulty with this thought ever since I first came to read it 40 years ago. Only recently has a new realization…

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Word of Encouragement

From The Mentor Leader, by Tony Dungy: Chapter 8: The seven E’s of enhancing potential. Engage: be with those you lead. Spend time Educate: Teach others how to achieve new levels of leadership Equip: set goals and parameters and offer necessary resources for success Encourage: Everyone needs a pat on the back and a celebration for success Empower: turn people…

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Word of Encouragement

From The Mentor Leader, by Tony Dungy: Chapter 7: Maximizing team performance.  “The culture you create permeates everything you touch.”  We do not often think of our family or our church as a team, but it might be healthy for us to do so.  What would happen in our family of the same child always…

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Word of Encouragement

Last week I shared from Tony Dungey's book THE MENTOR LEADER the idea that leaders make an investment in other people. When we choose to get connected, to get involved, we always run the risk of getting in the mud with people. Our lives are so complicated and sometimes messed up. Most of the time…

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