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We have learned such a valuable spiritual lesson these last few weeks based on Revelation 5. When we expect to see a Lion take the scrolls of justice, we turn and see the Lamb of God “looking as if it had been slain” reach up and take the scrolls instead. And it is the Lamb who pronounces judgment against the nations and people who would not humble themselves and become obedient and submit to the cross. This represents the end of something. At the incarnation, Almighty God empties himself of His power and becomes a servant to humanity, becoming obedient unto the death of a cross. He does this out of love, his love has a softer voice, a call unto humility and relationship that creates a sense of awe and respect and honor, not fear and judgment.

When the Lamb takes the scroll of justice, it ends the time of authority and reengages the realm of the Almighty power of God. Those who did not listen to the voice of love have convicted themselves and are subject now to the power of God. There is no more room to wiggle. Mercy ends. That realm is finished. It would behoove us to listen to the voice of God while he calls us into relationship.

Sunday, we asked how we can know we are listening. Is there a way to know we are being rebellious? The short answer we learned is, yes, there is a way to know. We know we are in rebellion by our secrets. I am pretty good at understanding an audience and it seems to me nearly all of us got that statement. We understand there are no secrets with God. Then I revealed to us all what to do with our secrets. I openly confessed what God and I have been working on for ten years. I like being right. The problem with being right and knowing you are right is it is arrogant. It breaks relationship. It makes others feel cast aside. And here is the kicker, especially if you are right.

Now we move into the deeper truth of the Lamb taking the scrolls of justice…this week I share how I came to grow out of this. Here is a short teaser: “sorrow is fertile ground for humility.”

~ Grace and Peace ~
Pastor Ernie