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What is the difference between what I want and what I need? God makes a promise to provide for me everything I need but not everything I want. I have a tendency to want things that make me comfortable, secure, happy. God does not promise those things. I would think maybe I need food, water, shelter. Yet those are only things I need for this life, again, not what was promised. What, then, do I need?

God makes it clear He is more interested in my spiritual growth than my physical well-being. Its not that he does not care about my health, He does and so should I. He cares more about my soul. I like to eat donuts, but they are really not good for my body if I eat them every day. It would benefit my body to eat more greens. Everyone knows that by now. Yet we are the most obese society in all of history. I can only conclude we are ignoring what we know to be true and putting more emphasis on what we want than on what we need. Cancer is not the number one cause of death in America. It is diabetes
from unhealthy eating habits, myself included.  We all know this yet Dunkin Donuts always has a line.

\If this is true of our bodies, what are we doing to our souls? It is no wonder we are morally and spiritually vacant as a society. So my word of encouragement for the day: “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12. How is your soul working out? Just a word of encouragement. Get at it.

Grace and Peace ~
Pastor Ernie