^………. for over 68 years the Cuba Methodist Church was part of the Florida Conference UMC? In 1968 the Methodist Church in Cuba became autonomous and the first Bishop was Bishop Armando Rodriguez, who now lives in the United States.
^ ………. the name of one of our sister churches, Media Luna, means Half Moon?
^………. both Duranona and Media Luna Methodist churches have been official house-churches of the Methodist Church in Cuba for over 20 years? Wesley MUMC is the first sister relationship that Duranona Church has ever had. Media Luna Church previously had Bayshore UMC as its sister church.

^…… originally Duranona was a mission of the mother church, Pilon Methodist Church. Media Luna was a mission of the Niquero Methodist Church?
^ ……… Media Luna and Duranona are about 50 miles apart in the Sierra Maestra district?
^……… Pastora Darielis is the pastor of the Duranona Church and Pastora Misleydis is the pastora of the Media Luna Church? Their husbands serve as co-pastors.
^……… 65 children currently attend and are given Bible studies at the Media Luna Methodist Church?.
^ ……..the Cuba Ministry (under the original name of Cuba/Florida Covenant) started in 1997? This covenantal relationship has been in prayer and helping our brothers and sisters in Cuba for the last 27 years.
^…….. Duranona Church has 34 official members, although about 75 person attend the Sunday services? There will be 15 new persons baptized later this month. About 25 to 30 children attend the services
^…….. Duranona Church has 3 Prayer Cells – homes where persons who don’t go to church gather during the week for evangelization? These gathering are a real blessing.
^…….. Duranona Church has a mission called Ebenezer about 2 or 3 miles from the church? A member of the church visits it on Tuesdays and Fridays for praise and worship and preach the Word
For more information on the Methodist United in Prayer- Cuba Ministry go to