There are two opportunities for study and fellowship at Wesley Church starting Sept.11 through Oct. 16. Please RSVP as soon as possible so we are sure to have enough books available.

Rev. Ontonio will be facilitating a bible study based on Adam Hamilton’s book “Wresting with Doubt” in the sanctuary overflow.
“Is the Bible true?” “Why do prayers go unanswered?” Hamilton approaches these sources of doubt with honesty and insight , drawing on the rich wisdom of the Bible, Christian tradition, and his experience walking with thousands of people on their spiritual journey.
Everyone has doubts. Where is God when bad things happen? Does God hear our prayers? Is there a heaven? How can we know? Often we treat such questions as the enemy of faith. But uncertainty doesn’t mean our belief is lacking. Doubt can be a path to a deeper, richer encounter with God.

Kadine Christie will be facilitating a book club with “Redeeming Love” by Francine Waters in the multi-purpose room (across from office).
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is a fictional historical romance, inspired by the Book of Hosea, that tells the story of a women named Angel who finds redemption and love through the unwavering devotion of a man named Michael. Set in 1850’s California, this novel is a beautiful portrayal of God’s unconditional love.