Cornerstone Wonder Walk/Run
VBS 2024 This year we will have a one day VBS for kids 4 years - 5th grade. Our theme is "God is Everywhere" and we will explore the seven continents and reinforce God's most important command, "Love your neighbor as yourself". Register here! Other Summer Events!
WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT We are learning in church how Jesus self-identifies so that we can have a clear picture of what we are to become. We were made in the image of God and the writer to the Hebrews calls Jesus “the exact image of God.” That should be our target, to look like Jesus…
HOPE RALLY Join us for an exciting night with other members across Hillsborough County and get ready for our Nehemiah Action, our most important event of the year! We will carpool from the Wesley parking lot at 6pm. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW! Nehemiah Action Tuesday, April 16 Bible-Based Fellowship Wesley Family, we need your…
Word of Encouragement Hello Wesley Family, As I look into the future through a dark glass, I see only blurred images of what might be. Melville called this “glimpses of a mortally intolerable truth.” I see dimly things that that I hope to see more clearly soon. Perhaps Wesley may feel a little of this…
WHAT IS SOUL PAINTING? Soul painting is a spiritual journey which uses the painting process to help you listen to your inner voice and make a connection to your Creator. Think of soul painting as the evolution of a visual prayer offered to God. By being intentional in your focus on God while painting you…