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Author page: Terri Davis


PICNIC IN THE PARK Please join us Sunday, July 21 for a Picnic in the Park sponsored by Promiseland for the whole church! After the worship service, we will meet at Upper Bay Park Shelter 3. Chicken will be provided. Please bring a dish to share. Please note available picnic tables…

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As we come near the end of our learning about how Jesus identifies, it is important for us to make sure we get the main thing right. We are to become like Jesus. I have been referring to Philippians 2 each week now for several weeks and thought I would share the text this week…

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We have learned such a valuable spiritual lesson these last few weeks based on Revelation 5. When we expect to see a Lion take the scrolls of justice, we turn and see the Lamb of God “looking as if it had been slain” reach up and take the scrolls instead. And it is the Lamb…

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What is the difference between what I want and what I need? God makes a promise to provide for me everything I need but not everything I want. I have a tendency to want things that make me comfortable, secure, happy. God does not promise those things. I would think maybe I need food, water, shelter. Yet those…

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PASTOR APPRECIATION BANQUET We are very grateful to Pastor Ernie for all he has done at Wesley during his time here. He came to Wesley Church in 2013 and is the longest serving pastor the church has had. We will miss him greatly but are excited to see how God continues to…

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Word of Encouragement

Word of Encouragement Sunday, we had the privilege of hearing from John the Baptist. I love this guy. He comes out of the woods all homeless looking and acting crazy, wild hair and wild ideas. He declares Jesus as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” And he introduces to…

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