Note from Pastor Ernie

Hello Wesley,
I have had several ask about the allegory of the forest. Here it is.
I went to John Chestnut Park before sunrise on Tuesday and parked where I knew there was an open field. I could hear the sound of the antlers of two buck raking one another, each trying to proclaim dominance. When the sun came up, I saw there were actually six deer in the field. The two buck, two does and two fawns who had just lost their spots. The buck fought fiercely and I could hear them snorting at one another. Each was certain he had the dominant claim to the territory and the harem. One of the does ran over to the buck, almost as if to intervene, and the two buck instantly stopped fighting and together ran her off. The fawns were off playing and accidently got too close to the fighting buck. Again, the buck stopped fighting and together ran off the children as if to say this is grown up
stuff we are doing here.

I began my walk and noticed a cardinal on a palm branch, all alone and simply waiting for the next seed to drop, confident in the coming provision. A little further along there were three does, not a care in the world, grazing near one of the pavilions, everyone getting along splendidly.

The allegory mirrors society, people in power, politics, the church, and even my drive into church down I-4 every day. We cannot seem to overcome our innate need for domination, at least some cannot. The church should not see itself from a position of power. We are called to be with the persecuted, even more, we are called to be the persecuted. As often as I try to intervene, I just get run off. So be it. I will be OK even if I walk alone.

I love being your pastor,



We are nearing the end of the Soul Painting events. The last one will be Sat., Oct. 21 from 11am – 2pm in the courtyard. We have many finished paintings, some with names on the back that we need to get a scripture devotional and prayer so we can pair it with your painting for the Advent booklet we are putting together.

Below is an example of what we are trying to accomplish:

Pastor Ernie has shared some guidelines on how to write a devotional that may be helpful to you.

 Guidelines to Writing an Advent Devotional

Choose one of the four advent words: Peace, Joy, Hope or Love And select a verse connected to your word from the table or a personal favorite.

  • Write your name and the keyword on the top of the worksheet provided and do same on clipboard.
  • Write out the key verse in the space provided including book, chapter and verse.
  • Now write three emotive words in the column on the right. How does this verse make you feel?
  • Now select one of the paintings that appeals to you and place it side by side with the verse and worksheet.  Remember, under each painting is scripture. All that is spiritually helpful begins there.
  • Under the words on the right column, add two or three words about why this painting?
  • In the column on the left now begin writing words that are polar opposites of the words on the right column.  If the verse/painting makes you feel calm, write “turmoil”.  This is where the devotion/thought should begin, in the polar opposite place of the verse.  The verse is the goal; the process begins in the trouble.

Our goal is to have someone read what you write and connect to it.  The connection will begin where you begin and you are to help them to get to the goal: love, joy, hope and peace.

At Christmas, God enters into our chaos with the promise of hope.  Let’s do the same for others.

If you wish, you can submit your scripture form online by clicking here!
or return your form to the office. The deadline to receive scripture forms is the end of October.