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Since its beginning, our philosophy is one which is concerned with developing the whole child. We encourage young children to experience the joys of learning through a multi-sensory approach which develops their spiritual, emotional, social, physical, and cognitive needs. We believe that the development of the whole child combines creativity, independent choices, and guided experiences, which allow the child to grow and to blossom.

Since 1989, Wesley Early Learning Center has been a leader in Early Childhood Education within our community. We have seen hundreds of children pass through our preschool on the way to amazing school experiences. We hear of their successes and strive to be on the cutting edge of Preschool Education as each new generation arrives.

Why BRIDGES? We see our preschool as a bridge from the child to Christ, a bridge from home to the first school experience, and a bridge from our preschool into elementary school. We continue to offer each child a quality learning environment founded on Christian principles taught by excellent staff.

  • Nationally Accredited
  • High Performing VPK School
  • Quality Counts for Kids
  • Low Student/Teacher Ratios
  • County Approved Curriculum
  • Degreed/ certified Teachers

More information at: or call (813) 220-2746