
Feb.19,2024 - Feb.25,2024

a note from Pastor Ernie
Hello Wesley,
Sunday, we had an important and deeply spiritual covenant service at worship. We have been travelling through the promises God makes to humanity throughout history as He walks us back to Eden, where we belong. On Sunday, many of us committed ourselves to return to the original covenant of creation and simply serve the creator without question. This requires dedication and a willingness to set aside personal ambition. In becoming a willing slave to Christ, we simply do as we are told.

For the rest of my tenure with Wesley, I plan to look closely at Hebrews 1:1-4 and examine what it means to be made in the image of God. If I am to “go back to Eden,” so to speak, I ought to know what I am to become. Since Jesus is the very image of God, it would be good for me to head that direction. I am walking into Christlikeness, returning to my originally created image. I invite you to walk with me on this journey. I have four challenges:
1. Read with me what Jesus says about himself. We start with the “I am” sayings. This week from John 8:58
2. Walk in the forest or by the sea as I do almost every day and appreciate what God has made for us.
3. As we learn from the things Jesus says about himself, write something down, commit it to memory, then take that on a walk with you.
4. Share what you are learning and doing with someone else.

These are some of my daily habits, my personal discipleship steps. Walk with me.

I love being your pastor,

Join us this Friday, Feb. 23rd!

We will continue to pray for renewal here at Wesley, for Pastor Ernie and our church leadership,as well as our new pastor and new leadership at the church.
Personal prayers are shared towards the end of the meeting.

This Sunday is the first class for the Youth!

Please let us know if you are planning to come!

These classes are recommended for anyone who wishes to get baptized,
a new believer, someone wanting to strengthen their faith
or just curious about the basics of faith.
Please join with the United Methodist Men and Promise Keepers of Wesley Memorial for an evening of uplifting, God-honoring, worship and encouragement in St. Petersburg on Feb. 23, 2024. We would like to take advantage of the group rates so please indicate your desire to attend as soon as possible to - Herman Small (813)927-1606 -
Steve Hibbens (813) 601-0947 - Dan Parker (863) 581-4865. The event starts at 6:30pm and we can carpool from Wesley Memorial at 5:00pm sharp.

Volunteers are always needed!

If you are able to help Sat. 24th, please reply to this email or email
[email protected]
Promiseland will have their Spring Festival in conjunction with the W.O.W. Spring Craft Fair. If you are able to help with the Spring Festival, please contact
Rochelle Mock at 813-769-9157 or [email protected]
Silver Saints will celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a lunch, devotion, games and service project. Wear your green and come join in the food, fellowship and fun!
This event is open to the community so bring a friend!

PLEASE RSVP SOON! Space is filling up fast.

There is a limit of 50 people.

This event is open to the community! Invite friends and family!
All women are invited whether or not you have a daughter or mother with you!
Ministry Highlights
Pack a Snack 4 Kids logo
Pack a Sack Update...
We are moving right along with this school year and stay busy keeping shelves stocked and bags ready for delivery. We are up to 209 children per week which is amazing that we’ve been able to grow the ministry in such a wonderful way. Ernie stopped by the other day to pack a few bags with us so it was nice for him to see how the ministry has grown and changed. We were able to reminisce about how Pack a sack got started.
Right now, we have a few immediate needs if you’d like to help:
● Juice boxes or pouches
● Small boxes of raisins
● Applesauce
And of course, monetary donations are always welcome. If you have any questions about donations, or getting involved feel free to call Jamie at 813–967-3800
or email at [email protected]
We sincerely appreciate your continued support and prayers!


This Sunday, please bring in Easter candy and consider staying after the service to help fill the eggs in the Sanctuary overflow area. The Spring Festival is just around the corner on March 2!


A very big Thank You to Vickie Battle who has been delivering the church food donations to Kaye Prox for over a year. Next month Vickie will be moving to the Villages in Ocala and we will need another volunteer to carry on deliveries.

Deliveries are accepted on Thursdays from 12-2pm and Fridays 10am-noon at the Lutheran Church at 8401 W. Hillsborough Ave. Typically we do one delivery each month. Please contact the church office if you are able to step up and help.

We encourage people to bring in non-perishable items the first Communion Sunday of the month but we welcome donations anytime. There are marked shelves in the copy room across from office where you can leave your donations. We are told Kaye Prox has had an upsurge of people they serve and are very much in need of more food donations.


Nomads On a Mission Active in Divine Service – NOMADS provide volunteer labor for historically Methodist organizations. NOMADS demonstrate God’s love through our work and by listening to the people with whom we work. We do new construction, remodeling, and repairs for churches, children’s homes, camps, colleges, outreach missions and disaster rebuilding. Team members do maintenance, cleaning, painting, electrical, drywall, sewing, flooring. Wesley is grateful that the Nomads have helped us with various projects thru the years, including the remodeling efforts in the church building.

We have two members, Herman and Janice Small who have been active with the Nomads the last several years. Herman and Janice are currently at Crystal River Community church working on a project. Below are some pictures Janice shared with the church.
The Ruth Circle is now collecting diapers, wipes, toiletries and educational supplies for their ministry to Children's Home Network. If you are able to help, please leave your donation in a marked container in the copy room. The Ruth Circle belongs to the United Women of Faith and meets the first Thursday of each month at 10am in the Sewing Room.

Click here to learn more about the Children's Home Network.



Flowers, on or by the Altar for our Sunday worship services, would be a
wonderful addition. Simply call or email the church office and let Terri Davis know the date and any particular colors wanted. We have a florist that gives us special pricing and they do a beautiful job. Flowers don’t always have to be in memory of a loved one. Think about celebrating an anniversary, someone’s birthday, graduation or best of all, given to the Glory of God.
The office number is 813.469.9157 and the email [email protected]


We need four volunteers, each available one Sunday a month during the worship service, to provide back up when the nursery has both infants and toddlers. Contact the church office if you are able to help. [email protected]

Happy Birthday to Rose Harper who will be 91 on Friday!

Wesley, you are such a faithful church! We thank you for your generous and giving hearts! You can Text To Tithe your offerings for Wesley Memorial UMC at this contact number - 813-699-4304. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.

You can also electronically give by visiting our website at:

Or by standard mail by sending cash or check to
6100 Memorial Hwy, Tampa FL 33615
Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm.
We are here to help you with any of your needs.
Church Contact Information:
email: [email protected]
phone: 813-769-9157
Coffee with Ernie
This week Pastor Ernie started the conversation about what it means to be made in the image of God. This Sunday he will continue talking about Hebrews 1:1-4. God's spirit holds everything together. You can listen to Coffee with Ernie every Tuesday morning on Facebook at 7:30am (give or take) or you can watch later.
Click link below for the most recent episode.
Post your prayers and praise requests here and pray and comment for others!

Please make visiting the prayer wall a daily practice!

A Prayer for Sister Churches in Cuba

Dear Father in heaven, we come, together as one, boldly to Your throne of grace, and find mercy and grace in our time of remembrance of our sister church in Media Luna and Duranona.

God Almighty, we come crying out and pleading for our brothers and sisters in Cuba. Your children in Cuba need Your love, guidance and protection more than ever. We cling to Your promise. We believe Your heart is breaking with the cruelty imposed on those You created for Your glory.

Dear Blessed Lord, You reached the soul of Pharaoh to let Your people go free. By Your mighty power, reach down and soften the hearts of those in authority and power over Cuba to release the people from the many years of bondage and slavery. Abba, Father, we clamor: LET MY PEOPLE GO!! Remove the chains of oppression & tyranny in their lives. May Your Holy Spirit reach those that govern in Cuba with such cruelty today and touch them deeply in their souls, recognizing and obeying Your All-mighty authority and give up their earthly dominion over the Cuban people.

Rebuke the enemy in all its attacks.. Dispatch mighty warrior angels to do battle on behalf of the Cuban people. Lead and guide them with Your light and Your truth. Remove all spiritual blindness, deafness, and hardness of heart so they can be overcomers. Bind a hedge of strength and protection around our Cuban brothers and sisters in their hour of desperation This battle is not against flesh and blood, and our Lord and Savior has given us spiritual weapons to set captives free. By Your Holy Spirit break every chain and alleviate their needy situation.

Give a special anointing to Pastora Misleydis and Pastora Darielis in Media Luna Duranona to preach Your Word mightily, testifying that they will overcome the onslaught of the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..
Thank you for granting us Your grace, power and love in intercession for our sister church in Cuba.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

Watch Recent Sermon Here
Be sure to subscribe to our You Tube channel!

Feb. 25, 2024

10:00 am Sunday Worship Service

Pastor Ernie Post

Please help the church save money on paper and printing by checking in virtually on Sunday Service and receiving a bulletin. The QR code will be posted on the outside and inside of sanctuary entries, in the pews, and at the coffee station. Give it a try and see if it works for you. Paper bulletins will still be available if preferred.

*Please note: When registering for check in, it is only required to input one contact - cell phone OR email (although both are preferred.) All other requests are optional and can be bypassed by simply pressing the done button.

Additional Note: The bulletin can also be found on the Church website ( in the Contact drop down menu . It is updated every week by the end of Thursday for the following Sunday.

If your phone is not pulling up current bulletin via the QR code on Sunday, it is likely you need to clear your cache (search history). To do this, open your search app, tap the three dot bar at bottom, tap history, then clear browsing data. Make sure cookies and site data has a check to the right as well as cached images and files. Then at bottom click "clear browsing data". Refer to google as some phones may differ. It is a good idea to clear the cache on your phone occasionally to keep your phone operating at its best.

*******Even if you prefer a paper bulletin, you can still sign in online in lieu of using a connect card. That still helps the church with printing costs.*********


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