
Feb. 5,2024 - Feb. 11,2024

a note from Pastor Ernie
Hello Wesley,
Sunday in church we talked about the fifth covenant, the covenant with David. In 2 Samuel 7:16 God promises David that one of his heirs will permanently sit on the throne in Jerusalem. This covenant is established because the people beg Samuel to give them a king “so that they can be like the other nations.” In 1 Samuel 8, God warns the people that a king will enslave their sons and daughters and take the first fruit from their harvest, things reserved for God. They vehemently say they want a king anyway. They reject the rule of God for the rule of men, believing there is greater security with men than with God. God washes his hands of the people and gives them Saul as a king and he is crazy. The people like him because he comes from a wealthy family, is tall and good looking, but he is insane. After a few years with crazy as king, God appoints David, a lowly shepherd to lead Israel. He does great but his son Solomon, not so much.

Here are the covenant principles we have learned so far:
God wants to provide for us…we go our own way
God decides to provide for us in spite of our sin…we go our own way
God chooses to bless Abraham as long as he is a blessing to others…we choose to go our own way
God provides 10 simple rules and promises order…we choose to go our own way
God wants to rule over us… we choose to go our own way.

The principle added this week: we can look at this sequence of promises from two perspectives.
1. Humanity is utterly depraved and just cannot get it right
2. God is completely committed to us and will never stop
Both are true. And this leads us to the final covenant in Jesus. I ask everyone to read Jeremiah 31 in preparation for this week.

I love being your pastor,

Please join us this Friday, Feb. 9!

From now until Feb 18th our prayer gathering will focus on God opening eyes and softening hearts so we, at Wesley, can start a new path of becoming more like Jesus in our individual walk.
To this end, you are encouraged to write down your own prayer
and share with the group on Friday.
Please pray that more Wesley folks will come to realize how important personal and corporate prayer is to reach God’s throne.
Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 14 at 7 pm. We all have ashes created from last year’s Palm Sunday branches placed on our foreheads to help us remember the significance of the cross.

In Lent, the baptized are called to renew their baptismal commitment as others prepare to be baptized. To this end, we are offering a

Covenant/Communion Service
Sunday, February 18

10am morning service

Below is a sample of commitment cards that will be available.
For those wanting to be baptized,
Pastor Ernie will be offering water baptisms
on Sat., May 11 at 10am at 1250 Gulf Gulf Blvd., Clearwater, FL. 33767.
Hosted by Silvia and Sarah Young and Jeff Scully.

5:30 - 8:00 FLC Youth Room

Please join us as the Youth Group reboots as "Ruah" Youth!

Ruah, (pronounced in Hebrew Ruach), is the Hebrew word translated as God’s Spirit. However, the word is also translated as breath, air, and wind in the Scriptures, reminding each of us of the physicalness of God’s presence in the world.

At the Last Supper, Jesus told the apostles that He would send His Advocate: John 14:16 “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always..” This spirit, RUAH, is alive in our world and in our own bodies. He is with us always. We can offer our very breath to Him and allow Him to transform our lives and the lives of those around us every day. We can dedicate every moment of our lives to His Glory by dedicating every breath to Him and His Will. Lord, let every breath, as I speak your name, praise you and bring me ever closer to you and your will and help us.

This year the Youth Group will be lead by a group of dedicated volunteers, including Kristine Johnson, Jensen Senson, and Marilyn Preston, as well as others who will join in throughout the year. We are excited for a new year of deep spiritual growth, discipleship, and some fun! For more details of upcoming events, click here!
Please join with the United Methodist Men and Promise Keepers of Wesley Memorial for an evening of uplifting, God-honoring, worship and encouragement in St. Petersburg on Feb. 23, 2024. We would like to take advantage of the group rates so please indicate your desire to attend as soon as possible to - Herman Small (813)927-1606 -
Steve Hibbens (813) 601-0947 - Dan Parker (863) 581-4865. The event starts at 6:30pm and we can carpool from Wesley Memorial at 5:00pm sharp.


On April 28, we will be meeting near Sylvia and Sarah Young's and Jeff Scully's place at Landmark Towers on Sand Key. The address is 1250 Gulf Blvd., Clearwater, FL 33767. Bring a picnic dish to share. More details to follow closer to date.
Promiseland will have their Spring Festival in conjunction with the W.O.W. Spring Craft Fair. If you are able to help with the Spring Festival, please contact
Rochelle Mock at 813-769-9157 or [email protected]
Silver Saints will celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a lunch, devotion, games and service project. Wear your green and come join in the food, fellowship and fun!
This event is open to the community so bring a friend!
Get your reservations in now! There is a limit of 50 people for the 6pm presentation.
Carpooling from the church parking lot will be available. If you want to carpool, let us know when you RSVP if you are willing to drive or just want a ride. The church is offering this event to you free of charge but donations are welcomed to help defray the actual cost. You can put your donation in the Sunday offering in a marked envelope or bring by church office Mon. - Thurs. from 9am-3pm.
Ministry Highlights


Last Saturday we delivered the Valentine cards made by Promiseland and the heart boxes of chocolates from the congregation to Habana Health Care. Thank You to all who contributed to bringing a smile to the residents and staff! And thank you to Becky Ritz for bringing some home-made chocolate cupcakes! They were a big hit!

One of the residents, Richard, has a enterprise going with puzzle art! He surprised us with a puzzle of some of the volunteers that he snapped a photo of at our New Year's celebration! Shown above are Richard, Jan Grover, Toni Reitz and Kathy Newland. They certainly appreciate all of us who take the time to visit with them!

Our next art and music activity is scheduled for Sat., Feb. 24th from 2-3pm. Volunteers are always needed! Please reply to this email if you are able to join us for the next event!


Last Sunday we had a joyous infant baptism for Noah Brown!
Proud parents are Justin and Vanessa Brown.


There was a lot of singing and rejoicing going on in Promiseland last Sunday!
Promiseland meets every Sunday during Worship Service for kids 4years - 5th grade. Rochelle appreciates that some of the older youth often join in to help!

This Sunday they will be celebrating a pre-Souper Bowl party with kicking, receiving and passing contests on the front lawn. Be sure to bring a can of soup for the Homeless Ministry!


The Ruth Circle is now collecting diapers, wipes, toiletries and educational supplies for their ministry to Children's Home Network. If you are able to help, please leave your donation in a marked container in the copy room. The Ruth Circle belongs to the United Women of Faith and meets the first Thursday of each month at 10am in the Sewing Room.

Click here to learn more about the Children's Home Network.


Pack a Snack 4 Kids logo
Happy to report that things are going smoothly this year and we are now at 209 children per week. With that, comes a lot more need for inventory. If you are able to help with a monetary donation or food donation, we would appreciate the support.
 Juice boxes or pouches
 Applesauce or fruit cups – small individual cups
 Nature’s bakery fig bars or Nutrigrain bars

You can bring the items to the church during normal business hours or of course bring with you on Sunday to church. Monetary donations can be put in offering in a marked envelope specifying Pack- A- Sack . If needed, you can reach out to Jamie directly to arrange a pick up at 813-967-3800 or [email protected]

We couldn’t do this without each and every one of you
and we are grateful for your continued support.
Please be in prayer for all the Pack a Sack children
and in prayer for our current needs.


We need four volunteers, each available one Sunday a month during the worship service, to provide back up when the nursery has both infants and toddlers. Contact the church office if you are able to help. [email protected]
Wesley, you are such a faithful church! We thank you for your generous and giving hearts! You can Text To Tithe your offerings for Wesley Memorial UMC at this contact number - 813-699-4304. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.

You can also electronically give by visiting our website at:

Or by standard mail by sending cash or check to
6100 Memorial Hwy, Tampa FL 33615
Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm.
We are here to help you with any of your needs.
Church Contact Information:
email: [email protected]
phone: 813-769-9157
Coffee with Ernie
This week Pastor Ernie continued talking about what it means to be created in the image of God. "You do this by being consistent in your spiritual development. Being prepared has more to do with what is going on now so you can be prepared for what is coming." You can listen to Coffee with Ernie every Tuesday morning on Facebook at 7:30am or you can watch later.
Click link below for the most recent episode.
Post your prayers and praise requests here and pray and comment for others!

Please make visiting the prayer wall a daily practice!

A Prayer for Abiding

Dear God, as the sun rises on a new day, I come before you with a heart filled with gratitude. Thank you for the gift of life and for allowing me to see another day. Your mercies are new every morning and I am humbled by your unwavering love and grace.

Your word in Proverbs 3, 5-6 says, trust the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your path. God, guide my steps today. Help me walk in obedience to your word and put you first in all that I do. As I face this day, grant me the strength and courage to overcome obstacles and to embrace everything with a joyful and willing heart. I ask for your presence to be with me throughout this day. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can reflect your light and love to those around me. Use me as an instrument of your peace, love, and compassion. Open the eyes of my heart to see the needs of anyone who crosses my path. I surrender my worries, fears, and doubts to you. You are my refuge and my strength, my ever-present help in times of trouble. May I find rest in your promises and be reminded that you hold everything in place.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Watch Recent Sermon Here
Be sure to subscribe to our You Tube channel!

Feb. 11, 2024

10:00 am Worship Service
"Covenant of Grace"
Jeremiah 31:30

Pastor Ernie Post

Please help the church save money on paper and printing by checking in virtually on Sunday Service and receiving a bulletin. The QR code will be posted on the outside and inside of sanctuary entries, in the pews, and at the coffee station. Give it a try and see if it works for you. Paper bulletins will still be available if preferred.

*Please note: When registering for check in, it is only required to input one contact - cell phone OR email (although both are preferred.) All other requests are optional and can be bypassed by simply pressing the done button.

Additional Note: The bulletin can also be found on the Church website ( in the Connect drop down menu . It is updated every week by the end of Thursday for the following Sunday.

If your phone is not pulling up current bulletin via the QR code on Sunday, it is likely you need to clear your cache (search history). To do this, open your search app, tap the three dot bar at bottom, tap history, then clear browsing data. Make sure cookies and site data has a check to the right as well as cached images and files. Then at bottom click "clear browsing data". Refer to google as some phones may differ. It is a good idea to clear the cache on your phone occasionally to keep your phone operating at its best.

*******Even if you prefer a paper bulletin, you can still sign in online in lieu of using a connect card. That still helps the church with printing costs.*********


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