
Sept. 4, 2023 - September 10,2023

a note from Pastor Ernie
Hello Wesley,
There are a couple of very important visionary opportunities in the next few weeks. As we focus more and more on becoming a relationship building church, we have a few chances to build relationship with folks in the church and from the community.
Soul Painting is about way more than painting. We are seeking to build relationships with each other and families in the community. Painting is one avenue we have chosen to take. We have four opportunities to gather: September 9 and 23, October 14 and 21, all at 11 am. These are central to what we are becoming and we invite you to begin building bridges with others. Two of those dates, September 23 and October 21, we are inviting the families of Bridges and the community to come together for a family fun day and painting is part of the fun. Those are great days to meet some folks and love them into the kingdom. Come have some fun, help out, be available for God to use you. If you want to help, show up around 10 am and just say, “what can I do to help?” Easy.

God in the Woods is more than an experiment. Again, these dates are designed to help us create community and moments where others can have a God Moment. There are two upcoming opportunities:

November 12 We will gather at Hillsborough River State Park at 10 am at pavilion 10. It is not church as usual. Perhaps a few could invite neighbors, carpool, make a day of it. We will meet at 10 for a thoughtful hike and then have a picnic at the pavilion. Grills are available so just bring a little something to grill and something to share. There are no more campsites available.

December 10 We will gather at Fort Desoto at 10 am at shelter 2 and have a meaningful walk on the beach. Then we will fellowship and grill. There are no more campsites available. Again, invite neighbors and those who maybe want something different in their relationship with God. We will be offering baptisms in the gulf.

I pray God create a powerful movement among us as we seek to be faithful.
I love being your pastor,


Friday, September 8 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm

We hope that you will join us this Friday!
There is great power in coming together as a church to sing and pray!

Please make every effort to join us this Friday night!

Hope you can join us this Saturday!

Read more about Soul Painting here!
Bring your own portable pool and join us on the front lawn
Sat., Sept. 16 from 11am -2 pm!
There will be water, water balloons, slip & slide races,
hotdogs, chips, drinks and a cool desert!

HOPE House Meeting
Sunday, Sept. 17
FLC after Service 11:15am

Wesley is a member of HOPE, the Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality. HOPE represents over 30 faith-based congregations, seeking to extend God's justice and mercy in Hillsborough County by holding elected officials accountable to adopt solutions to common community issues. We would love to have your input on local problems and concerns that you would like to see addressed. Please join us for a House Meeting to be held at Wesley on Sunday, Sept. 17, at 11:15am in the FLC, following our worship service. A light lunch will be provided. For more information, please contact Carol Dittmar at 813-499-7167 or [email protected].

Annual Charge Conference

October 1, 2023, 3 p.m.

East Lake UMC

2801 E. Lake Rd. S

Palm Harbor, FL 34687

A charge conference is held every year. Voting takes place for the Pastor’s
Salary, new Nominees for church committees (i.e., Trustees, Staff-Parish,
Finance, etc.). Voting is also done to remove members who have not been
active for the last 2 years. All are welcome!

If you have any questions please email the office at [email protected].
We are excited to announce the complete schedule for Church in the Woods! If you are interested in camping overnight or renting a canoe or kayak, you will need to make reservations now. Learn more about the various locations here! (Please note: there will be a regular Sunday Worship Service at 10am on the church property for those who are not able to attend.)

We will be having "Finding God in the Woods" one weekend every month starting in November through April 2024. Brochures are now available on the table in the back of the overflow area.

Please note that the event location of Jan. 13 & 14 has changed from the original announcement.

Ministry Highlights

Back up Drivers Needed!

7 years and still going strong!!!
Our first delivery is this Friday and we have started the new school year with 140 children. Dickinson is at 90 and TN Country is 50. We will start with Webb Middle school on 9/22 and they are at 30 already. We feel blessed to have the ability to help our community in such a profound way and reach these children. Thank you everyone for all the support to be able to not only sustain this ministry but provide the ability to GROW this ministry.

We will start collecting items, so if you are able and want to help, we are always in need of the following:
 Juice boxes or pouches
 Nutrigrain bars
 Small boxes of raisins

Back up DRIVERS NEEDED: Shaun coordinates the drivers for Pack a Sack and has been able to add a few new drivers to the rotation, so thank you for that. We would like to secure 1 or 2 “back up” drivers for those occasions where we need someone for a quick fill in. Deliveries are on Fridays – drivers go to the church to pick up bags around 10:30am and it’s 3 deliveries – Dickinson, Town n Country Elem, then
right next door to Webb Middle School. Should take about an hour total. If this is something you’d like
to learn more about, feel free to reach out to Shaun at 813/399-0220 or email: [email protected]
Thank you again for all the love and support –



We need four volunteers, each available one Sunday a month during the worship service, to provide back up when the nursery has both infants and toddlers. Contact the church office if you are able to help. [email protected]
Please visit blankets at the back high table in the overflow area on Sundays
or during the week to pray and sign your name to attached note.
Wesley, you are such a faithful church! We thank you for your generous and giving hearts! You can Text To Tithe your offerings for Wesley Memorial UMC at this contact number - 813-699-4304. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.

You can also electronically give by visiting our website at:

Or by standard mail by sending cash or check to
6100 Memorial Hwy, Tampa FL 33615
Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm.
We are here to help you with any of your needs.
Church Contact Information:
email: [email protected]
phone: 813-769-9157
Coffee with Ernie
Pastor Ernie has been discussing this week how God uses spiritual memories in our life. You are invited to join Pastor Ernie every Tuesday morning at 7:30am on Facebook or you can watch it later. Click link below for the most recent episode.
Post your prayers and praise requests here and pray and comment for others!

Please make visiting the prayer wall a daily practice!

A Prayer in time of Distress

Almighty and everlasting God, You are strength to those who suffer and comfort to those who grieve. Let the prayers of your children who are in trouble rise to you.
Hear our prayer.
We claim your promises of wholeness as we pray for those who are ill or are suffering loss and long for your healing touch.
Hear our prayer.
Make the weak strong, the sick healthy, the broken whole, and confirm those who serve them as agents of your love.
Hear our prayer.
To everyone in distress, grant mercy, grant relief, grant refreshment.
Hear our prayer.
As we begin to rebuild, we commend our neighborhoods to your care. Give us strength of purpose and concern for others, that we may create a community where your will may be done.
Hear our prayer.
God of compassion, you watch our ways, and weave out of terrible happenings wonders of goodness and grace.
Hear our prayer.
Surround those who have been shaken by tragedy with a sense of your present love,
and hold them in faith. Though they are lost in grief, may they find you and be comforted;
Through Jesus Christ who was dead, but lives and rules this world with you. Amen.
Watch Recent Sermon Here
Please note that we are transitioning to a new You Tube Channel. During this time livestreams will be posted on both channels. This button goes to the new You Tube Channel. Please be sure to subcribe! Also, please note, on both channels you must go to the Live button on the top menu button to see livestream of recent sermons.

Sept.10, 2023
"The Lawyer"

Self Justification: Huge Barrier to Hearing God

Luke 10:25-37
Rev. Ernie Post

Please help the church save money on paper and printing by checking in virtually on Sunday Service and receiving a bulletin. The QR code will be posted on the outside and inside of sanctuary entries, in the pews, and at the coffee station. Give it a try and see if it works for you. Paper bulletins will still be available if preferred.


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