
May 28 - June 3, 2020

Quote of the Week

Pentecost Sunday Dove
“When you strip it of everything else, Pentecost stands for power and life. That's what came into the church when the Holy Spirit came down on the day of Pentecost.” - - David Wilkerson, author of 'The Cross and The Switchblade'.
WMUMC with Methodist Logo
Pastor's Notes to Wesley
Hello Wesley,

So for breakfast today, I had an apple, orange, banana and mini orange. Sometimes I have a donut and coffee; on a rare occasion, I eat eggs and even bacon. Those days when I get bacon or sausage and eggs are really special. We even eat breakfast for dinner and those are great. I wake up every day and before I get out of bed I think and meditate, read my verse for the day so I can think about it throughout the day. This week, I am reading about Zacchaeus. Once my feet hit the floor, I get going. I make coffee and get Brenda ready for the day. Get my work things together and drive to work. On the way in, I get to think a little more about Zacchaeus and imagine his meeting with Jesus. Cannot wait to share Sunday what I have learned.

Food for the body, and food for the soul. I wanted to take time today to encourage everyone to develop good physical and spiritual routines. It takes practice, commitment and time to develop routines Remember these four important things::
  1. Start with your priority: read and meditate on a key verse for the day or for the week before the day begins.
  2. Use your travel time wisely, whether at that time your are driving, walking, or riding a bike.
  3. Repeat the meditation throughout the day, several times.
  4. Do this each day and persevere through trouble times.
During troubled times, we have a tendency to look at the trouble and then we spend any spiritual time randomly looking for a verse that makes us feel good or speaks to the moment. I would encourage you to stick with something no matter what is going on in life. I have, for example, spent a month reading one chapter in Proverbs each day of the month. There are 31 chapters. Then I started over the next month, then again the next month. This is a great exercise.

We have been reading through Luke now for almost two years. If you are looking for a place to begin, start where we are….Luke 19. Read the story of Zacchaeus each day between today and Sunday. Then, next week read the parable of the ten minas. I will tell you that every once in a while the readings are special, like breakfast for dinner.

I love being your pastor,
Pastor Ernie

Church Communications

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

May 31, 2020 at 9:00 AM EDT

Livestream Sunday Worship Service

Traditional Worship Service
Gathering Music:..............'Spirit Medley'......................................Jean Rowe.......
Welcome and Announcements:....................................................Rev. Ernie Post
Hymn of Praise.............'All Creatures of Our God and King'..............Pg 62..........
Call To Worship:...................'Psalm 108'......................................Rev. Ernie Post
Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer..............................................Rev. Ernie Post
A Moment with.............Nadia Wood and Ernie Post..............................................
Song of Preparation..........'Spirit of the Living God'.............................Pg 393.......
Scripture & Message...….…'Be Enthusiastic - Luke 19:1-10'........Rev. Ernie Post
Invitation to Tithes & Offering:..................................................................................
Offertory Music.............'The Blessing'............Arnel Sorenson-Instrument...............
...............Trio - Diane Flanders, Susan Lamont, and Gail Parker.............................
Doxology.............................................................................................. Pg 95..........
Prayer of Dedication.......................................................................Rev. Ernie Post
The Apostles’ Creed................................................................................................
......Gloria Patri......................................................................................Pg..70........
Closing Hymn:..........'Breathe on me, Breath of God'...........................Pg..514......
Choral Benediction.......'God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again'...............................
Benediction and Blessing................................................................Rev. Ernie Post
Postlude.........:.........'Yours Is The Kingdom'...................................Jean Rowe.......

Prayers Needed

Visit the Prayer Wall to pray for people who have asked for prayers.
NOTE: When viewing the Worship Service, please be ready to share/type in your prayer requests in the Comment Field. Your prayer requests will be recorded and added to the Prayer Wall in the church's website so that prayer warriors who visit the Prayer Wall can include your requests in their prayer lists.
NOTE 2: Prayer requests from the previous services have been posted to the Prayer Wall. Please take time to visit it and pray for these requests. Many Thanks!

Thoughts for the Day


Pentecost Day
We ... have experienced distance from our church family. Meeting online is not the same as being together in the flesh! Yet, the Holy Spirit breathed new life and purpose into the room where the disciples gathered, and it quickly spread far beyond their dreams. On this Pentecost, we too can experience the Holy Spirit breathing new life and purpose into us as we figure out how to navigate what lies ahead.

If you would like to read more about the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, click here.
NOTE: Excerpt was taken from Ministry Matters and written by Melissa Slocum

Wednesday Night Live

Wednesday Night Live 102419
The children continue to have fun on Wednesday Nights Live Via Zoom.
Smarter than 3 grader
Last week, we played "Are you Smarter than a 3rd grader?" while using Zoom. It was a review of all they had learned how the Bible influenced the Star Wars much fun! They earned God Rocks for every correct answer. There were so many correct answers, we're planning a God Rock Store so they can spend their rewards! Congratulation Kids!
This week they searched for Jesus! They had fun searching for objects in a "find these objects" puzzle. They were quick to find everything in the puzzle, it was a bit more difficult to tell us where the object was. Much like our relationship with Jesus, we can find Him when we know where and how. But, do we know how to tell others how and where to find Him? We explored all kinds of ways we can tell others about Jesus! Good Job Kids!
EXTRA EXTRA -- Vacation Bible School (VBS) Announcement - Read all about it!
VBS plans are well underway! After careful consideration and with an abundance of caution, we have decided to proceed with a virtual VBS. Our theme is Rocky Railway! We will still need help building sets and presenting each segment. If you are interested in assisting, please let us know!
VBS Rocky Railway
VBS will be held the week of 7/13-7/17/2020 and from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Registration will be available shortly. Please make certain you register early so that we will have ample time for your child to receive the supplies needed to participate!

Please let us know if you have any questions. --
Rochelle L. Mock - - Children's Director
Wesley Memorial UMC
6100 Memorial Highway
Tampa, FL 33615
Wesley Youth Logo New

Livestream Options to View the Online Services

Option 1 - - Website and Youtube
An alternate way to view the Livestream Sunday Worship Service is now available.
Starting immediately, you can visit the church's website at '' and on the Menu bar, look for and click on 'Livestream' in the website. Then, follow the instructions provided on the following page to view the online services.
Wesley Church logo on Youtube
NOTE: The website links will direct you to the church's YouTube channel as displayed above. If you enjoy the online or recorded services, remember to press the 'Subscribe' button in YouTube.
Option 2 - - Facebook
If you have or want to open a Facebook page to navigate to the Sunday Worship Service, please click here. You should see the following Logo displayed in Facebook.
WMUMC Facebook Photo
Text To Tithe 2
Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.

NOTE: If you prefer not to Text to tithe, you can send your tithes and offerings to Wesley with a paper check and mail it to: Wesley Memorial UMC, 6100 Memorial Highway, Tampa, Florida 33615. Thanks!
can telephones
If your small group or ministry has news to share, let the rest of the church know!

We now have TV monitors located in the church for everyone to use to get the good news out about what we are doing in our church as well as in our community.

And if you have news or photos to share on the TV monitors, in this newsletter or both, please click here to submit a request.

Like us on Facebook or Subscribe to us on Youtube!

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