
March 8th, 2021 - March 14th , 2021

Quote of the week header
priscilla shrier quote

Pastor's Notes to Wesley

Hello Wesley,
I wanted to give everyone a word of encouragement and share a challenge. I have had a great many friends pass away the last few months and learned a lot from being with the families through the process. I want to encourage everyone, all ages, to put plans in writing. Get as much done as you possibly can. Death of a loved one is an incredibly stressful time and people often do not respond to the stress in healthy ways. I have watched siblings part ways over the simplest of things.
Write it down. Write down all of the legal contacts they will need and critical account numbers. Have a legal document that states power of attorney. Your word is not sufficient, it has to be written. If you want to be buried at a particular place, write it down. Better yet, pay for it in advance and put a copy in your box you prepare for your loved ones. If you want to be cremated, write it down. Pay for it. Get it over with so your family does not have to do this.
If there are particular things you want in your church service, write them down. I know none of us want to think about these things and our children are more reluctant to discuss this than we are, so bring it up.
I am putting together a document as a checklist for everyone to follow based on what I have learned over the years. If you want help, I will help you. The last thing any of us want is our children arguing over something simple.
I do love being your pastor,
church communications

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

March 14th, 2021 at 11:15 AM EDT

Livestream Worship Service

Pack a Sack
We are up to 105 bags a week - 65 bags for Dickenson and 40 for TNC Elementary. We are so excited to be reaching these children again and pray we are helping in the smallest of ways. For those of you who are asking what to donate - here is our current list:
  • NutriGrain Bars
  • Juice Boxes - (lower sugar & kid friendly)
  • Raisins - small/snack size
  • Peanut Butter Crackers - kid friendly
We will keep you posted on how things are going! As always we appreciate your prayers for this ministry.
March 22 HOPE Nehemiah Action Flyer
Our BIG GOAL for Wesley is to have at least 25 people from Wesley on this Zoom call! Please register and reach out to Carol with any questions!
Contact: Carol Dittmar
Phone: 813-499-7167
Email: [email protected]
camp announcement

Contact: Nadia Nunez

Youth Director


Worship Under The Stars will be a family friendly, socially distanced event! There will be live worship bands from across Tampa Bay, Prayer Spaces, Ministry tables, and Food Trucks! There will also be a canned food collection for Kaye Prox Food Bank. Save the date!
If you would like to help with this event please contact:
Jensen Bennett: 813-340-8085
until 1968 the Methodist churches in Cuba were part of the Florida Annual Conference? In 1997 a covenant document was signed by Cuban and Florida Bishops, renewing the relationship, and a new ministry was born: The Cuba/Florida Covenant, now known as the Methodist United in Prayer....

Help reunite families by being a Short-Term Foster

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If your small group or ministry has praise stories &/or news to share, let the rest of the church know! This is how we all stay connected!

We have TV monitors located in the church for everyone to use to get the good news out about what we are doing in our church as well as in our community.

And if you have news or photos to share on the TV monitors, in this newsletter or both, please click here to submit a request.
If you would like to have an item added to the ANNOUNCEMENTS section, please click on this link: and fill out the form with requested information. On the form, please select 'Other' media and include an description of the announcement.
onlineprayer wal
Let us pray for you: When viewing the Worship Service, share/type in your prayer requests in the Comment Field. Your prayer requests will be recorded and added to the Prayer Wall in the church's website so that prayer warriors who visit the Prayer Wall can include your requests in their prayer lists.
Please Note: Prayer requests from the previous services have been posted to the Prayer Wall. Please take time to visit it and pray for these requests. Many Thanks!
Text Tithe
You can Text To Tithe your offerings for Wesley Memorial UMC at this contact number - 813-699-4304. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.
You can also electronically give by visiting our website at:
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