The Women of Wesley will be having their annual Spring Craft Fair
on the front lawn of Wesley on Saturday, March 18th from 9am to 1pm.
Items will also be available on Sunday, March 19th
in the Craft Room from 10am to 1pm.
All proceeds from the Spring Craft Fair support the WOW’s
ministries and missions throughout the year.
This year we will have a raffle for a large 36″ x 48″ original acrylic painting (pictured below). Raffle tickets are $1 and will be available at the Craft Fair
as well as the church office during regular operating hours, Monday – Thurs. 9am – 3pm. All proceeds from the raffle will go specifically to
Wesley’s Covenant Renewal with Cuba for medicines.

Tickets for the art raffle can also be purchased on line
by scanning the QR code below with your phone camera.

WOW’s main fund raising is through the Fall, Christmas and Spring Fairs
where proceeds are used to support the following missions:
World Team whose mission is to disciple and make disciples;
Wycliffe Bible Translators, making the Bible accessible in various languages;
Kairos Prison Ministry, sharing Jesus’ love to impact the hearts and lives
of incarcerated men, women and youth;
Bridging Freedom whose mission is restoration and prevention of minor sex trafficking; Methodists United in Prayer providing support for sister churches in Cuba;
FUM Children’s Home, Children and families healed and restored through the love of God;
Agape Ministries 4 Ukraine supporting refuges in a newly acquired facility in Derby, VT: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, sending gifts to disadvantaged children worldwide;
Pack a Sack, providing food for chronically hungry children in the school system;
short mission trips of the Wesley Youth and other members:
as well as other church ministries for the Homeless and Promiseland.