March 26 - April 1, 2020 - Updated
Please Read. This week's newsletter has been updated with the following:
1. Follow Step by Step Instructions to View the Livestream Sunday Worship Service
2. In the 'Text to Tithe', follow the instructions to tithe with a paper check and regular postal mail if you prefer not to text to tithe.
Step by Step Instructions to View the Livestream Sunday Worship Service
We have received multiple requests for instructions as how to navigate to the Livestream Sunday Worship Service. The instructions have been posted on the church's website in the News and Events section. To read the instructions, please click here.....
Quote of the Week
“There is no one who is insignificant in the purpose of God." - Alistair Begg
Pastoral Letter to Wesley
Hello Wesley, Like you, I miss being together for worship and Bible Studies. Jose Benson is working on helping us learn to use the ZOOM app so that we can meet virtually. It sure does seem like the circumstances change almost hourly. We will continue to offer livestream services on Sundays at 11 AM EDT, and as long as we are allowed, the music team will be there to lead us. The very best thing we can do for now is follow instructions and stay home as much as we can. Good chance to read a book. I will continue calling the church family to see how everyone is doing. This is a great time to exercise our faith and see how our neighbors are doing.
Should the circumstances change again and we move to a mandatory stay at home order, I will still livestream a message on Sundays at 11 AM EDT and will encourage the music and tech team to stay home. Perhaps you could encourage some friends and family to join us. We have been working on improving the sound quality and the lighting. I am so grateful to the team dedicated to creating this.
We will get through this. I pray sooner rather than later, but it is all in God’s timing. Just imagine that in a few short weeks many idols have fallen. No sports, no movie theaters. What shall we do? This is Lent, leading us to Easter. What a great opportunity to spend time in the word. Take advantage of this.
We are planning to livestream services during Holy Week, Thursday and Friday. If we are not shut down on Thursday, I would like to serve Holy Communion drive thru fashion. We have purchased sealed cups and wafers. If you would like to help, just give me a call. I was thinking from 4-6 PM EDT right before our livestream service that night.
My family deeply appreciates your prayers for us. Ashley does not have the virus and we are so thankful. Brenda seems to be doing fine through it all and Ezekiel is, well Ezekiel.
My Lenten verse sustains me: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope in the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 Let us be the hope God created us to be.
Church Communications
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
March 29, 2020 at 11:00 AM EDT
Live Stream Combined Worship Service
Opening Music:......................"The Lion And The Lamb"...................Praise Band Announcements:.......**Hymn of Praise....“Come, Christians, Join To Sing"...Pg 158
Welcome & Greeting:.........................................................................Rev. Ernie Post **Call To Worship...................Psalm 100 verses 1-5........................Rev. Ernie Post Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer...................................................Rev. Ernie Post
Hymn of Preparation............."Jesus Calls Us"...................................Pg. 398
Scripture & Message......Luke 17: 20-37 'Remember to Praise'..... .. Rev. Ernie Post
Invitation to Tithes & Offering: Offertory Music:....."The Old Rugged Cross"..........L.Smith/G. Bennard Arnel Senson - Piano and Jean Rowe - Organ
**Doxology..........................................................................................Pg. 95 Prayer of Dedication...........................................................................Rev. Ernie Post Apostles’ Creed......................**Gloria Patri.......................................Pg. 70
**Closing Song of Celebration:...."Great Is Thy Faithfulness"............Pg.140 Post Service :......"Glorious Day" (Living He Who Loved Me)............Praise Team
This Sunday Morning's Message - March 29, 2020
Luke 17:20-37 'Remember to Praise'
Shaun Black delivered the packed bags to Town n’ Country on Tuesday so we were happy to get those bags to our PAS kids. Dickenson is still trying to figure out logistics, etc., on their end. As you can imagine they are quite overwhelmed with all the changes to the school year and keeping their kids and staff safe. With that, at this time we do not need to collect any further food items for the remaining school year (until further notice). Our main concern is that if we are not able to use the food collected, we certainly don’t want it to expire and go to waste.
Please know that Shaun is communicating with both of our schools and they know
full well we are ready, able and willing to help.
Thank you for all your continued prayers and support and we will keep you posted.
Jamie Wright & Shaun Black
Wesley Memorial Men's Ministry Work
Continuing The Work of God
As everyone's lives have been inconvenienced to say the least. Somethings don't change as in the case of the Wesley Memorial Men's Ministry work for those in need. We went to a Takeout Box only on weekend of March 21-22. We provided a Bag with both Breakfast and Lunch Meals. We provided 24 meals on Saturday and 50 meals on Sunday. Those which we were able to serve were Extremely Grateful for the Provision that was provided to them.
As the impending Safer at Home order is set to take place, we are going to provide through this Weekend as we would be having to throw the food away if we didn't use it. We realize that we are going to probably going to have some repercussions from this, but we need to provide notice about the changes our Ministry is going to attempt to make this Provision continue ASAP.
So, the Men's Group Leaders have made this decision with much consideration we will pay the price if any for our actions. Taking our Scriptural Beliefs and Obligations to God, Our Families and Community into consideration First and Foremost. We know that God has a Plan and a Future Plan for His Work to continue we must be Faithful Warriors of Our Lord and His Kingdom's Work. One of our last considerations needs to be Not Forgetting that Provision comes at Many Costs and that in the end this is how The Wesley Memorial United Methodist Men are in constant need of Financial Support as Well as Bodies in Place to Help. In God's Service, Roger Hyde - Men's Ministry
Life Line Screening has Canceled It's Event
This event has been canceled.
Status Report - Capital Needs List
Achievments: 1. Faithfulness in our commitments from the Hope Campaign has allowed us to create a balanced budget for 2020 based on the real projected numbers. 2. We have replaced another AC Unit and shared the cost with Bridges $9,100. For details, click on
Prayers Needed
Simply send a text message to 813-699-4304 with the amount you would like to contribute. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.
If you prefer not to Text to Tithe, you can send you tithes and offerings to Wesley with a paper check and mail it to: Wesley Memorial UMC, 6100 Memorial Highway, Tampa, Florida 33615. Thanks!
If your small group or ministry has news to share, let the rest of the church know!
We now have TV monitors located in the church for everyone to use to get the good news out about what we are doing in our church as well as in our community.
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