
April 9 - 15, 2020

Quote of the Week

Worrying about the past or the future isn't productive. When you start chastising yourself for past mistakes, or seeing disaster around every corner, stop and take a breath and ask yourself what you can do right now to succeed. - - Harvey Mackay
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Livestream Options to View the Online Services

Option 1 - - Website and Youtube
An alternate way to view the Livestream Sunday Worship Service is now available.
Starting immediately, you can visit the church's website at '' and on the Menu bar, look for and click on 'Livestream' in the website. Then, follow the instructions provided on the following page to view the online services.
NOTE: The website links will direct you to the church's YouTube channel.
WMUMC Facebook Photo
Option 2 - - Facebook
If you have or want to open a Facebook page to navigate to the Sunday Worship Service, please click here.
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Pastor's Notes to Wesley
Hello church,

It seems the predatory season is upon us. When fear grips someone, fear of the unknown especially, ungodly people try to enter in under the guise of bringing peace and comfort. I have gotten an average of three solicitations each day to borrow money. Good hearted loan sharks want to lend me money for the uncertain times ahead. I say to you DO NOT DO IT!!!!!! This morning (Wed am) a hacker used a false email pretending to be me and tried to scam my church family into buying him gift cards. Know this, I will never ask you to do anything like that unless we are face to face. It is too easy to take advantage of your good hearts and I prefer to use the pastor’s discretionary fund. So ignore all such pleas.

Tonight (Thursday, April 9, 2020), we will be sharing communion together. Please join me on Facebook when I begin to livestream from my home. I am asking everyone to have a piece of bread and a cup of grape juice ready and invite your household to join you at 7PM EDT.

We have also decided to provide you with a ministry opportunity. We have nearly 500 prepackaged communion cups wrapped in plastic. Your neighbors may be missing communion from their church. The elements have been blessed and you can come to the church and get a few for your friends. Someone is at the office on Mondays and Wednesdays to help. You can pick the cups for the next communion.

I look forward to tonight as we summarize all of the important things Jesus said at the Last Supper.

Love in Christ,
Pastor Ernie

Church Communications

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

April 10, 2020 at 7:00 AM EDT

Good Friday Evening Service

Welcome and Greeting:................................................................Rev. Ernie Post
Opening Song:............'Beneath The Cross of Jesus'............................Pg..297..
Call To Worship:............................................................................Rev. Ernie Post
Pastoral Prayer.............................................................................Rev. Ernie Post
Good Friday Message...….….......................................................Rev. Ernie Post
Invitation to Tithes & Offering:................................................................................
Offertory Music........“Meditation on Wondrous Love".............................................
.................................Arnel Senson- Piano....Jean Rowe - Organ..........................
Doxology.................................................................................................Pg. 95.....
Prayer of Dedication......................................................................Rev. Ernie Post
Closing Hymn:..."Were You There When They Crucified My Lord”........Pg..160....
Benediction:...................................................................................Rev. Ernie Post

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

April 12, 2020 at 11:00 AM EDT

Combined Easter Worship Service

Preludial Music:...................."My God's Not Dead".......................Praise Band...
Hymn of Praise..............“Christ the Lord is Risen Today"....................................
Welcome and Greeting:................................................................Rev. Ernie Post
Call To Worship:...................Psalm 102:1-28...............................Rev. Ernie Post
Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer..............................................Rev. Ernie Post
Songs of Preparation...........'Old Church Choir'............................Praise Band.....
.............................................'Today Is The Day'............................Praise Band.....
Scripture & Message...….…'Be Persistent'...................................Rev. Ernie Post
Invitation to Tithes & Offering:................................................................................
Offertory Music........“The Strife is O'er" Giovanni Da Palestrina
.................................Arnel Senson- Piano....Jean Rowe - Organ..........................
Doxology.................................................................................................Pg. 95.....
Prayer of Dedication......................................................................Rev. Ernie Post
The Apostles’ Creed...............................................................................................
Gloria Patri..............................................................................................Pg..70......
Closing Hymn:......................"The Day of Resurrection”.........................Pg..160....
Choral Benediction:.............."God be with you till we meet again"..........................
Closing Song:......................."My Redeemer Lives"........................Praise Band
NOTE: When viewing the Worship Service, please be ready to share/type in your prayer requests in the Comment Field. Afterwards, your prayer requests will be recorded and added to the Prayer Wall in the church's website so that the prayer warriors who visit the Prayer Wall include your requests in their prayer lists.
NOTE 2: Prayer requests from last week have been posted to the Prayer Wall. Please take time to visit it and pray for these requests. Many Thanks!

This Easter Sunday Morning's Message - April 12, 2020

By Pastor Ernie Post

Luke 18:1018 'Be Persistent'

Main Point: Keep the Faith!

Prayers Needed

Visit the Prayer Wall to pray for people who have asked for prayers.
NOTE: When viewing the Worship Service, please be ready to share/type in your prayer requests in the Comment Field. Your prayer requests will be recorded and added to the Prayer Wall in the church's website so that prayer warriors who visit the Prayer Wall can include your requests in their prayer lists.
NOTE 2: Prayer requests from last week have been posted to the Prayer Wall. Please take time to visit it and pray for these requests. Many Thanks!
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Council on Ministries - Opportunities and Updates

shepherd_with_dog_and_grazing_sheep 1
As we enter into another week of staying at home and listening to God’s word through the Livestreaming of worship services, I would like to thank the dedicated Followers of the Communication, Worship, Sound Teams, and Pastor Post for their support and help to bring the livestream message to all of us.

We all miss the social interaction with each other but realize the importance of social distancing and being safe and healthy. The programs of Feeding the Homeless and Pack A Sack are still sharing their Love with Others during these difficult times. The Shepherding, Road Runner, and Prayer Teams are answering the call and a “Tip of the Flame” to all.

Thank you for making those calls and delivering the message of hope and love to everyone at Wesley Memorial.
Shepherding Team
Susan Ivins, Jean Rowe, Tom Edwards, Nancy Blunk, Linda Bell, Shaun Black, Mary Lynne Gonzalez/Louise Coster, Paula Walker, Terri Davis, Janis/Herman Small.
Road Runner Team
Nadia Nunez Wood, Cindy Harrell, Dee Carmichael
Prayer Team
Fran Mobley
If YOU would like to be a part of this Team and help bring light into the darkness please contact Tom Edwards at [email protected] or text to 813-624-3816 today.

Pack a Sack
Shaun and I were able to set up a drive through bag Pick up last Friday for Pack a sack families. We gave out probably 20+ bags. We will do this again on Friday. We have a table out front, we wipe down the bags and place on the table and they get the bag from there. This week we are putting out books as well and letting them take a book or 2. Hopefully word has gotten out that we are doing this and will give out more bags this Friday.
I also made up a few “family bags” and let Jose Olivo know since he’s around the Church, that if anyone comes by the church in need of help, he can give them at least a full bag of family size items.

Thinking of all of you and miss seeing our Church family…sending love.
Jamie Wright & Shaun Black

Wesley Memorial Men's Ministry Work

Continuing The Work of God

We continue to serve the Homeless in our area by providing them Meals on Saturday and Sunday mornings. We will serve a Boxed Breakfast and Lunch Meal on both days. As of last weekend, we are averaging about 20 bagged meals on Saturday and 40 bagged meals on Sunday mornings. Charlie Dittmar still provides the personal care and clothing items for those in need. However, his supply is running low and is in need of socks, shorts, and shoes. For specific items, check with Charlie or Herman Small.

As we enter the Easter Week, we are planning to give a bit more. For this week, we will again provide Breakfast and Lunch meals on Saturday and Sunday. The meals include a Full Size Breakfast Box and A Complete Easter Dinner of Roast Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans and Stuffing. We Hope that Our Provision helps ensure that we are here To Provide A Message of Hope amidst this Fear that we awake to Each Day. Our response from those we provided to and for has been one on Extreme Gratitude.

We are Blessed as a Church Family that We are able to help those in need. A Big Thanks to All Who Support Us through Donation of Time, Funds or Support Through Prayer. Thanks to All.
In God's Service,
Roger Hyde - Men's Ministry
Text Tithe
Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.

NOTE: If you prefer not to Text to Tithe, you can send your tithes and offerings to Wesley with a paper check and mail it to: Wesley Memorial UMC, 6100 Memorial Highway, Tampa, Florida 33615. Thanks!

Status Report - Capital Needs List

Achievments: 1. Faithfulness in our commitments from the Hope Campaign has allowed us to create a balanced budget for 2020 based on the real projected numbers. 2. We have replaced another AC Unit and shared the cost with Bridges $9,100. For details, click on
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can telephones
If your small group or ministry has news to share, let the rest of the church know!

We now have TV monitors located in the church for everyone to use to get the good news out about what we are doing in our church as well as in our community.

And if you have news or photos to share on the TV monitors, in this newsletter or both, please click here to submit a request.

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