October 3 - 9, 2019
Quote of the Week
Note: Credit to CrossCards.com
What did Jesus value?
In biblical times the Jews had an expectation of God’s kingdom centering around nationalism, the military, political power and religious supremacy rather than a spiritual transformation. When Jesus showed up, he flipped everyone’s expectations upside down, calling people to radically rethink what they valued. Even though God’s people valued power through political and religious structures, Jesus teaches us in Scripture that power over evil can be attained only through a restored relationship with God.
Question of the day: What values do you think are most important to your generation? Focal scriptures: Matthew 5:1-11; Isaiah 61:1-4, 8; Matthew 7:24-27
Note: Excerpt is from MinistryMatters and written by Samantha Tidball
Beginning October 6, 2019, Nursery Services will be available during Both Services.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Nursery Services –
Where is the Nursery located?
It's located on the South entrance, first room on the right.
Who will be taking care of the children?
Mackenna Bayaat one of our Bridges PreSchool teachers will take care of the children.
What are the Nursery’s start and finish times for each service?
Traditional should be from 8:45 A.M -10:15 A.M. Contemporary 11:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M.
What are the minimum and maximum ages?
Nursery is 4 years old or younger. The older children go with Rochelle to Sunday school. What is the procedure to leave children in the Nursery?
You will be asked to sign in with child's name, parents’ names, and cell numbers.
What is the procedure to pickup children from the Nursery?
You will be asked to show your ID at pickup time.
Please please pick up your child on a timely basis. Thanks!
Additional Questions? Call the AdminDesk before Sunday Services at 813 769 9157.
Eventful Fund Raiser Breakfast By The Youth Group
The Youth Group likes to thank everyone who came early Sunday Morning to support the Fund Raiser Breakfast between 10-11 AM in the Family Life Center. We had a joyous time and we truly enjoyed preparing breakfast for you! Your presence was a blessing and your generosity of contributing to the Fund Raiser enables us to purchase needed supplies to make the Youth Group successful and will help send some of our youths to bible camp. Please keep us in your Prayers!
All Hands On Deck !
You Know What? This looks Very Delicious! Just Ask Anyone.
October 6th - Western Omelette Special- A Fluffy 3 Egg Omelette Stuffed with Smoked Ham, Green Pepper and Red Onion. Served with Grilled Toast and Choice of Side and Drink. $5.00.
October 9th- Postitsio- Traditional Greek Style Lasagna served with Sauteed Zucchini with Tomatoes and Onions Served with Drink and Dessert. $5.00
Good News! Pack a Sack is up and running and we’ve been delivering for a few weeks now. Town n’ Country and Dickenson are both at 30 kids per Week, which has been steadily increasing each week. For more details, click here....
UPDATE to Capital Needs List
- Thank you for your financial faithfulness from the HOPE campaign. We were able to create a balanced budget based on real numbers.
- Leadership unanimously agreed to keep with the 10/10/80 plan for finances. The first 10% of every gift is given in generosity. The second 10% is put in the rainy day fund for emergencies and unexpected facility needs. The 80% is what we use for operating expenses.
- We made a great hire for youth ministries in Larry and Nadia Wood.
- We partnered with Bridges and replaced another AC unit. We are completely starting over and getting the WIFI and internet system up-to-date by the end of October.
- We are looking forward to upcoming events: Trunk or Treat, Shoebox ministry. GO month in November, and free yard sale December 13.
New Sound system. We need to move to a digital sound system. This is a high priority. We have a bid to completely renovate everything from Sweetwater Sound for $25,000 …
Prayers Needed
Simply send a text message to 813-699-4304 with the amount you would like to contribute. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.
If your small group or ministry has news to share, let the rest of the church know!
We now have TV monitors located in the church for everyone to use to get the good news out about what we are doing in our church as well as in our community.
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