Dec.11,2023 - Dec.17,2023
As I look into the future through a dark glass, I see only blurred images of what might be. Melville called this “glimpses of a mortally intolerable truth.” I see dimly things that that I hope to see more clearly soon. Perhaps Wesley may feel a little of this right now. Without a firm foundation, these blurry thoughts can create anxiety. None of us really knows what tomorrow holds. So here is what I am doing and perhaps it will help you.
I “take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Philippians 3:12
I have absolute certainty that Jesus has a hold on me and it is that certainty that will bring clarity into the tomorrow. He alone can see a day He holds firmly for me, and for you. Paul continues, “I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.” Phil. 3:13
I have chosen to believe, “to press on” as Paul says.
Wesley too will press on. We will each new day continue to take hold of the future we do not yet see clearly. We press on firmly believing God alone holds our tomorrow. For me, pressing on takes the form of getting out of bed each day. I make my bed every morning so that I know I accomplished something early. I stay in my devotions, pray for my family and friends, learn from the word, take a walk, meet a few people and offer encouragement and hope, piddle in the yard, spend time with my family, prepare a word for my church family. None of that has really changed.
I encourage you: PRESS ON.
I love being your pastor, Ernie
Please join us this Friday night, Dec. 15 for a special time of prayer for the church, for our congregation, for our community and for our country.
If you do not have a form, there are some available at the info desk at back of sanctuary. You can drop in offering plate or bring by the office. The office is open Mon-Thurs from 9am - 3pm.
The Children's Ministry will be providing luminaries for Christmas Eve Service. If you would like to honor someone special or in memory of a loved one please e-mail [email protected] with their name (include in honor or in memory of) and your name and we will place the information on the outside of the luminary. The children will then place them along the walkways of the church - you may take yours home at the end of the Christmas Eve Service.
Monday, December 25 from 11:30am - 2:00pm
The members, friends and family of Congregation Schaarai Zedek in South Tampa are hosting a (FREE) traditional Christmas Dinner for the community in the FLC Fellowship Hall at Wesley Memorial Church. Pick up or dine in meals are available.
We will also deliver Christmas goodie bags to Habana on Sat., Dec. 23 at 2pm. We are still in need of homemade cookies to include in the bags.
If you are able to help assist on the 23rd or 30th, please reply to this email.
Thank You to Silver Saints and others in the congregation
who donated items for the goodie bags! Much appreciated!
Text your photos to Pastor Ernie at (352) 664 -0123
along with one sentence of what spoke to you about that photo.
We all had a lovely time at the Annual Christmas Tea. A special thank you to Gail Parker who makes all the delicious food, Shaun Black who coordinates all the decorations and behind the scenes work, and GodGang Youth Group for serving. It was a great fellowship time with all the ladies from Wesley as well as the community.
Click button below for some highlights of the day.
Hello all! Things are moving along with Pack a Sack this school year. We’re packed through the end of the year, and each child will receive a small wrapped gift from Wesley UMC. As you know, our ministry has grown to 190 children PER WEEK. With the large number, our monthly expenses have grown and we find that we are in need of finding another Corporate Sponsor for the remaining school year, so January- May – 5 months. If this is something you feel you might be able to help with, or know someone that might be interested, feel free to be in touch to further discuss. Also, any one time donations are of course accepted and so appreciated!
Another way to help is food drives. If you work in an office or own a business, you could ask participants to bring in juice boxes and peanut crackers, or other PAS type food items and we can put that in our inventory, which helps our bottom-line monthly expenses tremendously. Another idea, if you’re having a holiday get together, ask your guests to bring juice boxes! Most often people love to help, especially with a cause like Pack a Sack.
Please be in prayer for all the Pack a Sack children and in prayer for our current needs.
We sincerely appreciate all of you and your love & support!
This is the last Sunday to bring in toys!
Help us help the struggling families at Dickenson
have something to put under the tree for their kids!
Suggestions for girls are art and craft activity sets, including jewelry.
Suggestions for boys are action figures and Legos.
There will be boxes at both entries to church you can leave donations.
We invite you to select a Soul Painting card below the Advent calendar in the back of the overflow area and share with a random person during the Advent Season.
If you have not yet picked up your Advent book, there are some at the tables in the back of the sanctuary. Feel free to share one with a family member, friend or neighbor.
The Advent book is available free of cost to the Wesley and Bridges family. However, if you would like to make a donation to help defray the printing cost, please include in a marked envelope and put in the offering plate or bring by the office.
We need four volunteers, each available one Sunday a month during the worship service, to provide back up when the nursery has both infants and toddlers. Contact the church office if you are able to help. [email protected]
Happy 90th Birthday to Renee Kincaid! Friday, Dec. 15
Renee remains active in church activities as well as in the Cuba Ministry, Habana Health Care Ministry and other nursing homes, Silver Saints, CBS,
and disciples several younger people.
We appreciate her years of service to the Lord and wish her many more!
Wesley, you are such a faithful church! We thank you for your generous and giving hearts! You can Text To Tithe your offerings for Wesley Memorial UMC at this contact number - 813-699-4304. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.
Or by standard mail by sending cash or check to
6100 Memorial Hwy, Tampa FL 33615
Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm.
We are here to help you with any of your needs.
Church Contact Information:
This week Pastor Ernie talked about Romans 5 and finding peace even in our trials. You can listen to Coffee with Ernie every Tuesday morning on Facebook at 7:30am or you can watch later. Click link below for the most recent episode.
Post your prayers and praise requests here and pray and comment for others!
Please make visiting the prayer wall a daily practice!
A Prayer for the third week of Advent
"Almighty God, enter our hearts, and so fill us with Your love, that, forsaking all evil desires, we may embrace you, our only good. Show unto us, for your mercy's sake, O Lord our God, what you are unto us. Say into our souls, "I am your salvation." So speak that we may hear. Our hearts are before you; open our ears; let us hasten after your voice and take hold of you. Amen."
Be sure to subscribe to our You Tube channel!
10:00 am SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Dec. 17,2023 "Christmas Story: Mary" Luke 1:35 Pastor Ernie Post
Please help the church save money on paper and printing by checking in virtually on Sunday Service and receiving a bulletin. The QR code will be posted on the outside and inside of sanctuary entries, in the pews, and at the coffee station. Give it a try and see if it works for you. Paper bulletins will still be available if preferred.
*Please note: When registering for check in, it is only required to input one contact - cell phone OR email (although both are preferred.) All other requests are optional and can be bypassed by simply pressing the done button.