November 11 - November 17,2024
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
One of my favorite songs is “Toast” by Jamaican artist Mikayla “Koffee” Simpson. She was just seventeen when she penned this song, and it resonated deeply, even earning a Grammy nomination for Best Reggae Album in 2020. In the lyrics, Koffee sings:
“Blessings all pon mi life and… Mi tank Gad for di journey di earnings a jus fi di plus… Gratitude is ah must~”
At such a young age, Koffee grasped something profound: the journey itself is a blessing, and everything else we receive along the way is just “extra.” Her words remind us that gratitude isn’t just about celebrating big accomplishments or new things; it’s about cherishing the simple fact that we’re here, walking this journey. (Go listen to the song! Even if the words feel unfamiliar, the rhythm will make you want to dance.)
Reflecting on these past couple of months, I find myself amazed at the rollercoaster of emotions, changes, and challenges. And yet, when I look back, I can’t help but feel grateful for every part of it. From the moments of joy to times of confusion and anxiety, it’s all been part of the journey. Friends, we’ve endured a lot, and when we can embrace one another without hesitation, we’ll be all the more grateful for something as simple and profound as a hug.
Cultivating a heart of gratitude can be challenging, especially when life feels overwhelming. But the words of an unknown author inspire us to look at gratitude through a new lens:
“Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times, you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary because it means you’ve made a difference.”
It’s easy to give thanks when things go well. But real richness comes from seeing even life’s setbacks and struggles as blessings in disguise. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive, allowing us to find hidden gifts even in our hardest moments. This is how we show our gratitude to God — by letting the ups and downs of life transform our hearts and deepen our faith.
So, let’s “Toast” to the journey! Gratitude is a must.
Think about one of the best things that ever happened to you. How did it make you feel? How did you express gratitude for that blessing? Now, think about a challenging time that helped you grow. What did you learn, and how can you be grateful for that season, too?
Kind and loving God, thank you for seeking us out even when we drift away. Teach us to cultivate a heart of gratitude on this life’s journey, recognizing that all we are and all we have comes from you. Amen.
Click here to preview Order of Worship.
The Friday Night Song & Prayer group are currently meeting Fridays at 7:00pm in the FLC Room 201. We will continue to lift up our church, our pastor, our leadership, our community and church members as well as the nation. ALL ARE INVITED! Please consider joining us for such a time as this. Contact: Renee Kincaid (813)885-5674
Please pray for and help us create a prayer list of specific members who have suffered loss due to the hurricanes. You can text info to (813) 592-1788 if you or someone you know are not listed below:
Pam Bayyat, Tim Bell, Nancy Blunk, Norm and Edna Coffman, Betsy and Jim Danielson, Sandra Dettori, Charlie and Carol Dittmar, Diane and Tori Flanders, Roger Hyde, Bryant Johnson, Kathy Newland, Richard and Marilyn Preston, Toni Reitz, David and Marlene Rose, Sharon Ruble, Herman and Janice Small, Derek and Amber Vacura, Claude and Cathy Webb, Bruce and Jamie Wright, Sylvia and Sarah Young, Jeff Scully.
Please join us in thanking Rochelle Mock for her many years of service in the Children's Ministry at Wesley Church! We will have a potluck supper after the Sunday Worship Service Nov. 24th. The church will provide a protein. Please bring a side dish to share.
You can also sign up at the Ministry Table.
(next to storage closet in Fellowship Hall)
We are happy to announce that Herman and Janis Small will be overseeing the Free Community Thanksgiving Meal this year. Please let them know if you are available to help with preparation, decorations and/or serving. Email [email protected].
Cash donations are needed to defray the cost of food. Please be sure to make a note specifying the Thanksgiving Meal on your donation and place in the Sunday offering plate or bring by the FLC office Mon-Thurs from 9am - 3pm.
We will be decorating the Fellowship Hall for the start of Advent on Sat. morning Nov. 30. All are invited to join in the festivity. Cookies and Hot Chocolate will be served!
You are invited to share the love of Christ with the residents of Habana Health Care Center as we prepare our hearts for the Advent season. Please contact Terri Davis if you are able to help this month. (813)592-1788 TEXT ONLY.
We are collecting 2025 Calendars to present as an early Christmas present. If you are able to contribute, please place in marked bin under the Ministry Table.
The Christmas Luncheon with the Silver Saints is Sat., Dec. 7 at Village Inn from noon to 2pm. It is a great time of fellowship, games, devotion and door prizes!
This year the Women of Wesley are sponsoring the Ladies Christmas Tea and there will be no charge for tickets! You must still RSVP to reserve a spot as there will be a cut off point of 100 people. There is a sign up list on the Ministry Table or you can text the church office at (813)592-1788.
The Wesley Charge Conference has been rescheduled for Thursday, Nov. 21st at 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall. New leadership positions will be nominated and voted on at this meeting. All are welcome to attend.
Click here for the monthly calendar!
Thank You to all the volunteers who make our free meal to the community on Wednesday Night Supper possible! If you would like to volunteer to help or contribute to providing food for the night, please contact Connie Pruitt at (813)494-4049.
On the menu for next Wednesday is a baked potato bar with all the trimmings. Should be fun! Please join us as we fellowship with the community!
Last night the Promiseland kids had the opportunity to work on the Chrismons. They will have a special presentation on Advent Sunday during the Children's story on the meaning of the Chrismons.
There will be another opportunity for the kids or anyone else who wants to work on the Chrismons during the Wednesday Night Supper next week.
The Community Free Yard Sale was a huge success! We got rid of the over abundance of clothing we had in fellowship hall as well as under the tent. By the end of the day, the only thing left of the variety of items under the tent was a single file cabinet!
We are on the home stretch of getting the Chrismons completed for Advent Sunday! Please join us this Tues, Nov. 19 and/or Wed., Nov. 20 from 2pm - 7pm in the FLC Fellowship to help complete our mission!
We are excited to announce that the FLUMC Gulf Central District will be partnering with Zoe Empowers over the next three years to sponsor an orphan empowerment group in Rwanda. Zoe Empowers equips vulnerable children and youth-led families with solutions to overcome extreme poverty and achieve self-sufficiency. You can learn more here.
BRIDGES PRESCHOOL: Please visit the Wish List for needs of our preschool ministry. Donations can be shipped directly to Bridges Preschool at 6100 Memorial Hwy., Tampa, FL 33615 or dropped off at the church.
CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES: For November we are taking cash donations to help defray the cost of shipping the Christmas Shoeboxes. It cost $10 per shoebox for shipping. Be sure to mark your donation for Christmas Shoeboxes and drop in the Sunday offering plate or bring by the FLC Office Mon. - Thurs 9am - 3pm.
COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING MEAL: The church is seeking donations to help defray the cost of a Free Community Thanksgiving Meal to the community. Please note on your donation that it is for the Thanksgiving Meal and drop in the offering plate on Sunday or bring by the FLC Church Office Mon. - Thurs. 9am - 3pm.
CUBA MINISTRY: Collecting OTC Medicines and vitamins. Also cooking oil and sugar. You can leave donations at the ministry table in Fellowship Hall.
HABANA MINISTRY: Collecting 2025 Calendars (Dollar Store, etc.) to be distributed at next event the last Saturday of the month. Place your contribution in marked bin under the Ministry Table.
HOMELESS MINISTRY: Collecting T-shirts for men and women as well as bath towels. Please leave donations at the Ministry Table in Fellowship Hall. There is also a need for cash donations to help cover the cost of breakfast served to the homeless community on Sunday mornings.
PACK-A-SACK: Please consider sponsoring a school child for $30 a month who are identified as at risk of chronic hunger and receive a bag of food to take home on the weekends. Be sure to note on check PACK-A-SACK and drop in offering plate.
You can also bring food items requested and leave in marked bin at Ministry Table. Items needed are: juice boxes or pouches, applesauce 4oz., peanut butter crackers.
RUTH CIRCLE : Collecting diapers, wipes, toiletries and educational supplies for Children's Home Network. Donations can be left on Ministry Table in Fellowship Hall.
*Donations for ministries can be left in the marked bin/box under the
"Ministry Table" set up next to the storage closet in Fellowship Hall.
We express our gratitude to God through sharing our time and resources. Thank you for your commitment to God’s purposes through our faith community! There are multiple ways that you can give: 1. Online - https://wesleymemorial.net/give/
2. Mobile: Text donation amount to 833-505-2066
3. In-Person - Drop off donation to church office
4. Mail- Mail donation to 6100 Memorial Highway Tampa, FL 33615
The FLC Church Office is open Mon. - Thurs. 9am - 3pm
You can also contact the church office by texting (813) 592-1788