November 4 - November 10,2024
As we move into this season of Thanksgiving, I find myself filled with immense gratitude for the generosity that flows so freely among us. Together, we have extended Christ’s love and compassion in countless ways, making a lasting impact in our community and beyond.
Every Wednesday, our church kitchen fills with laughter, chatter, and the comforting aroma of meals prepared with love. Our volunteers faithfully give their time to cook, serve, and clean, turning an ordinary evening into a warm gathering for all who come. This isn’t just food we’re offering; it’s fellowship, community, and the love of Christ in action.
And as we prepare Christmas shoe boxes, we know they’re more than simple gifts—they are tokens of God’s love sent to children in need, in over one hundred countries.
Through our Cuban Ministry, we share more than supplies; we extend hope to brothers and sisters facing daily challenges we can hardly imagine.
Here at home on Sunday mornings, we serve breakfast to those experiencing homelessness, making sure they know they’re valued and loved.
Each weekend, almost 250 children in our local schools carry home bags filled with meals, ensuring they have food to nourish and sustain them over the weekend.
I am incredibly proud of you, church family. Your generous hearts and hands have made this possible, and I am so grateful for your continuous support.
As we approach 2025, I invite you to join me in prayerful consideration of how we can continue this work together. Soon, I’ll share more about our 2025 budget and the ways we can commit to sustaining and growing these ministries. Each pledge, each commitment, is a step toward the mighty work God has called us to.
We are small in number, but we are rich in faith. As you reflect in the coming days, ask yourself: How will I contribute in this new season? How will I give of my time, talents, presence, and finances to help build the kingdom here at our church and in our community?
With joy and anticipation, I look forward to all the fruitful days ahead, trusting that God will continue to do great things through us.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” — 2 Corinthians 9:7
Click here to preview Order of Worship.
The Friday Night Song & Prayer group are currently meeting Fridays at 7:00pm in the FLC Room 201. We will continue to lift up our church, our pastor, our leadership, our community and church members as well as the nation. ALL ARE INVITED! Please consider joining us for such a time as this. Contact: Renee Kincaid (813)885-5674
Please pray for and help us create a prayer list of specific members who have suffered loss due to the hurricanes. You can text info to (813) 592-1788 if you or someone you know are not listed below:
Pam Bayyat, Tim Bell, Nancy Blunk, Norm and Edna Coffman, Betsy and Jim Danielson, Sandra Dettori, Charlie and Carol Dittmar, Diane and Tori Flanders, Roger Hyde, Bryant Johnson, Kathy Newland, Richard and Marilyn Preston, Toni Reitz, David and Marlene Rose, Sharon Ruble, Herman and Janice Small, Derek and Amber Vacura, Claude and Cathy Webb, Bruce and Jamie Wright, Sylvia and Sarah Young, Jeff Scully.
Please join us this Wednesday, Nov. 13 to support the church and the community who we have invited for a free meal and fellowship every Wednesday Night. On the menu is chicken and yellow rice, pasta with meat sauce, salad, Cuban bread, drinks, and desert.
Thank You to all who have helped serve on Wednesday nights! If you are able to help on a Wednesday night, please contact Connie Pruitt (813)494-4049.
The community Free Yard Sale is Sat., Nov. 9 from 8:00am - 2:00pm. Please plan to bring your donations on Friday, Nov. 8. from 8:00am - 5:00pm. There will be a big white tent set up in the front lawn where you can drop your donations off. If you are able to help set up on Friday or monitor the sale on Saturday, please contact Connie Pruitt (813)494-4049.
Let's gather together at the front lawn of the church for a fun, relaxing family night for a Movie Under the Stars on Sat., Nov. 9 at 5:30pm. Featured film is "Unsung Heroes". Popcorn and water bottles will be provided. Bring folding chairs/ blankets and a picnic supper if you wish! Open to the community!
The Wesley Charge Conference has been rescheduled for Thursday, Nov. 21st at 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall. New leadership positions will be nominated and voted on at this meeting. All are welcome to attend.
You can also sign up at the Ministry Table.
(next to storage closet in FH)
We are happy to announce that Herman and Janis Small will be overseeing the Free Community Thanksgiving Meal this year. Please let them know if you are available to help with preparation, decorations and/or serving. Email [email protected].
Cash donations are needed to defray the cost of food. Please be sure to make a note specifying the Thanksgiving Meal on your donation and place in the Sunday offering plate or bring by the FLC office Mon-Thurs from 9am - 3pm.
Click here for the monthly calendar!
Last night we had a good time of fellowship and a hot meal with the community. We also continued our effort to pack Christmas Shoeboxes for Samaritan Purse.
The Women of Wesley are resilient! When the elevator is not working to go to their newly assigned meeting room, they don't miss a beat and set up to do business in the hallway!
It appears the elevator is having intermittent issues due to heavy use since both the church and Bridges have moved to the FLC. The elevator was serviced yesterday and we hope to have no further issues.
Thank You Wesley for your understanding and patience as we navigate all the changes made necessary by the hurricane damage to the church.
News from Sister Church & Pastor Darielis
Many are benefiting from the OTC medicines we send that are distributed by their clinic which was named "Wesley Clinic". Thank You Wesley for your continued contributions!
A while back Wesley helped our sister church refurbish an electric bike with tires. Unfortunately the bike has broken down and it will cost $160 to repair. The Pastora's family and community rely on this bike for their main transportation. If you would like to contribute to this cause, please place your donation in a marked envelope in the Sunday offering plate.
You can read the entire Cuba update here!
BRIDGES PRESCHOOL: Please visit the Wish List for needs of our preschool ministry. Donations can be shipped directly to Bridges Preschool at 6100 Memorial Hwy., Tampa, FL 33615 or dropped off at the church.
CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES: For November we are taking cash donations to help defray the cost of shipping the Christmas Shoeboxes. It cost $10 per shoebox for shipping. Be sure to mark your donation for Christmas Shoeboxes and drop in the Sunday offering plate or bring by the FLC Office Mon. - Thurs 9am - 3pm.
COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING MEAL: The church is seeking donations to help defray the cost of a Free Community Thanksgiving Meal to the community. Please note on your donation that it is for the Thanksgiving Meal and drop in the offering plate on Sunday or bring by the FLC Church Office Mon. - Thurs. 9am - 3pm.
CUBA MINISTRY: Collecting OTC Medicines and vitamins. Also cooking oil and sugar. You can leave donations at the ministry table in Fellowship Hall.
DISASTER RELIEF: If you would like to contribute to church members and the community in need of assistance due to damages from the hurricanes, you can donate here.
HOMELESS MINISTRY: Collecting T-shirts for men and women as well as bath towels. Please leave donations at the Ministry Table in Fellowship Hall. There is also a need for cash donations to help cover the cost of breakfast served to the homeless community on Sunday mornings.
PACK-A-SACK: Please consider sponsoring a school child for $30 a month who are identified as at risk of chronic hunger and receive a bag of food to take home on the weekends. Be sure to note on check PACK-A-SACK and drop in offering plate.
RUTH CIRCLE : Collecting diapers, wipes, toiletries and educational supplies for Children's Home Network. Donations can be left on Ministry Table in Fellowship Hall.
*Donations for ministries can be left in the marked bin/box under the
"Ministry Table" set up next to the storage closet in Fellowship Hall.
We express our gratitude to God through sharing our time and resources. Thank you for your commitment to God’s purposes through our faith community! There are multiple ways that you can give: 1. Online - https://wesleymemorial.net/give/
2. Mobile: Text donation amount to 833-505-2066
3. In-Person - Drop off donation to church office
4. Mail- Mail donation to 6100 Memorial Highway Tampa, FL 33615
The FLC Church Office is open Mon. - Thurs. 9am - 3pm
You can also contact the church office by texting (813) 592-1788