
August 26, 2024 - September 1,2024

Dear Friends,

As we prepare to embark on our upcoming sermon series titled *Wesleyan Rooted,* I want to take a moment to reflect on the rich heritage that grounds us in the Methodist tradition. Our roots run deep, anchored in the teachings and life of John Wesley whose passionate pursuit of God’s love and justice still guides our journey today.

What does it mean to be Methodist? It means embracing a faith that is both deeply personal and broadly inclusive. It means committing to growth in grace, not only through worship and study but through acts of service and justice. It means being a part of a connectional church where we support one another in love, holding fast to our commitment to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

We are proud to be Methodists because our faith is not static; it is dynamic, always calling us to go deeper, reach wider, and serve with greater impact. It is a faith that values both head and heart, reason and experience, tradition and innovation. It is a faith that challenges us to hold fast to the essentials while being open to the new and the different.

In the coming weeks, as we delve into what it means to *Grow Deeply,* *Read Faithfully,* *Love Actively,* *Embrace Widely,* and *Serve Impactfully,* we will explore how these Wesleyan principles shape our identity as Methodists. We will see how they call us to live out our faith in ways that are relevant, compassionate, and transformative.

Let us journey together, inspired by the love of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and committed to living out our faith in ways that bring healing and hope to our world.

Rev. Ontonio

SUNDAY, Sept. 1, 2024

Click here to preview Order of Worship.

If you are able to join us this Saturday, please contact Terri Davis at [email protected]
Rev. Ontonio will be leading a bible study on Wed. evening starting September 1 thru Oct. 16 in the sanctuary overflow. The bible study will be based on Adam Hamilton's book "Wrestling with Doubt". Books are available for $15. Please register ASAP so we know how many books will be needed. Contact the church office or email Rev. Ontonio at [email protected].
Kadine Christie will be facilitating a Book Club on Wed. evening starting Sept. 11 thru October 16 in the multi-purpose room (across from church office). They will be discussing the book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers which is a fictional book loosely inspired by the book of Hosea. Please register ASAP so we know how many books will be needed. Contact the church office or email Kadine at [email protected].


Let's all support the youth group's effort to raise funds for youth camp!
For more info on Ruah Youth Group, contact Kristine Johnson (813)476-5351
or [email protected]
The Silver Saints will have a Tailgating Luncheon on Sat., Sept. 28 in Fellowship Hall from noon-2:00pm. Be sure to wear your favorite football team jersey!

The Silver Saints meet quarterly with a themed luncheon including a devotion, fun games, great fellowship and encouragement. Questions? Contact Susan Ivins.

Click here for the monthly calendar!

Ministry Highlights

Click here for a Message of Hope (part 2)

from UMC Bishop,Tom Berlin.



Join us every Tuesday afternoon in the craft room from 2:00-5:00pm
to help make Chrismons for our Christmas Trees!
Starting Tuesday, Sept. 3 - Nov. 19
Read all about it here!


The Homeless Ministry needs cooks in the FLC kitchen on Sunday mornings from 7:00 - 8:00am to serve breakfast to our homeless community. If you are able to help, please contact Jim Danielson (813)968-2844 or email [email protected].


The Nurture Ministry needs stewards who will deliver communion the first Sunday of the month to a church member who, due to health issues, is unable to attend the Worship Service in person. If you are able to help. contact Jean Rowe (813)767-5264 or email [email protected].


Ashley & Manny Cisneros were able to send a 44 lbs box to Duranona with medicines, food, hygiene products for the Cuba Ministry. Also some Barber Shop tools and utensils were donated and sent so that some members may have a way to earn a living. Please pray for Pastora and those in her congregation who have been dealing with a terrible virus that has been spreading throughout the island. Read more here.
BRIDGES PRESCHOOL: Please visit the Wish List for needs of our preschool ministry. Donations can be shipped directly to Bridges Preschool at 6100 Memorial Hwy., Tampa, FL 33615 or dropped off at the church.

CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES: For September, please bring in reusable cloth bags. Drop off boxes at sanctuary entries.

CUBA MINISTRY: Collecting OTC medicines and vitamins to be shipped to our sister churches. Drop off on marked shelf in copy room (across from church office).

HOMELESS MINISTRY: Collecting T-shirts for men and women as well as bath towels. Drop off bins in copy room. There is also a need for cash donations to help cover the cost of breakfast served to the homeless community on Sunday mornings.

PACK-A-SACK: Please consider sponsoring an "at need" child for the upcoming school year who receive a bag of food to take home on the weekends. Details to follow.

RUTH CIRCLE : Collecting diapers, wipes, toiletries and educational supplies for Children's Home Network. Drop off bin in copy room.

To learn more about all the ministry opportunities at Wesley UMC, click here!
We express our gratitude to God through sharing our time and resources. Thank you for your commitment to God’s purposes through our faith community!
There are multiple ways that you can give:
1. Online -
2. Mobile: Text donation amount to 833-505-2066
3. In-Person - Drop off donation to church office
4. Mail- Mail donation to 6100 Memorial Highway Tampa, FL 33615

Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm.
Now open on Fridays 9am - noon
We are here to help you with any of your needs.
Church Contact Information:
email: [email protected]
phone: 813-769-9157


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