Saturday, May 7, 2022
Message from Tracey and Theresa
Our contacts for Ukranian Efforts
As we go out to Eastern Europe next week :) I wanted to share a draft of all that you have helped do and the so many people that will be affected by what everyone gave.
Will come home with pictures and testimonies, so thankful for each of you and for the prayers I know will come as we leave next Friday.
We turned in our first 8 sponsorship forms to USCIS and we are waiting for the response, we are hearing that people are already hearing they have been approved.
Julie: D3 ,Omega Multi vitamin, Vitamin C powder drinks, Peanut butter
Olga: Metformin ,Package from Lena, Peanut butter powder.
Alla Lviv bag…Bag 1 : Swing, Body sock, Little hand held sensory items, Inhalers, Antibiotics times 3 different kinds, Hypertension medications times 2 different kinds, Metformin and diabetic medications times 2 different kinds,Thermometer, Stethoscope, Wrist blood pressure cuff, Pulse ox, Otoscope, Antacids, Stool softener, Ompreprazole. Supplements: C, multi for children, B’s for moms, sleep aids, potassium, iron, cranberry, AZOCinnamon to lower sugar levels. Probiotics, Neosporin, trauma bandaging, IV catheters and start kits, Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen Naproxencold and flu medication/DayQuil, Loratadine for allergies, Vitamin c powder drinks,Throat mediation, Eye drops, Nasal drops, Vicks vapo rub, GABA, 5-HTP for hyperactivity, L-theanine for anxiety, Medical gloves, S, M, L, XL, Laxatives, Psoriasis cream, Hydrocortisone cream, Coban, Powder peanut butter, Pediatric Bactrim, co-trimoxazole antibiotic, Azithromycin: 250 mg, Adult bactrim, co-trimoxazole,Amoxicillin, 500 mgMetoprolol, (hypertension), Lisinopril 10mg (hypertension) , Hydrochlorothiazide (hypertension) Fluoxetine (hypertension), Prozac 20mg, Clotrimazole Cream, Depekote 250 mg, Keppra 250mg, Keppra 500mg, Benadryl 25mg, Lasix, Furoscmide 40mg, Prednisone 10mgCalcium carbonateBGL machine
Anna center Lviv . Trait Glynianskiy 55 C… VitaminsB, D3,Cranberry, E, A, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Sleep aids, Sensory stuff, AZO, Pain meds, ibuprofen, Tylenol, naproxenCold and flu medication, DayQuilVitamin c powder drinksThroat medication\GABA5-HTPL theanine, anxietyfirst aid kitpowder peanut butter
Marina: Moldova, Antibiotics, Childrens vitamins, Fever reducers, Vitamin C , powder drinksPowder peanut butter
Lilia: for sasha, Bullet proof vest, First aid kit, Helmet, Powder peanut butter
Nastia for sasha: Bullet proof vest, First aid kit, Peanut butter snack Items for Children’s clubs, Money, Powder peanut butter
Shapovalova family: Peanut butter, Antibiotics, Back packs, Special items for each child, Immune vitamins, vitamins, Vitamin C powder drinks
Sasha Rivine: Ompreazole, First Aid kit
Rivine…house of Mercy church and clinic .. Bag 2
Inhalers, albuterol, Otoscope, Stethoscope, Thermometer, Wrist blood pressure cuff, IV catheraters and start kits, Purse ox, Antacids, Stool Softners, Omprepazole, Supplements: A, C, E, potassium, Iron, B complex, Probiotics, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Cold and flu Day Quill, Allergy medication, Loratidine, Vitamin C powder drinks, Cardboard splints, Sam Splints, Throat medication, Nose sprays, Eye drops, GABA, 5-HTPL, theanine for anxiety, Gloves S, M, L, XL Laxatives, CBD, Psoriasis cream, Hydrocortisone cream, Coban, powder peanut butter, Pediatric Bactrim, co-trimoxazole antibiotic, Azithromycin: 250 mg, Adult bactrim, co-trimoxazole, Amoxicillin, 500 mgMetoprolol (hypertension) Lisinopril 10mg (hypertension),Hydrochlorothiazide, (hypertension) Fluoxetine, Prozac 20mg, Clotrimazole Cream, Depekote 250mg, Keppra 250mg, Keppra 500mg, Benadryl 25mg, Lasix, Furoscmide 40mg, Prednisone 10mg, Calcium carbonate, BGL machine.
Igors church, doctor Natasha, morning star mission and clinic, Bag 3
Hypertension meds times 2 kinds, Diabetic meds times 2 kinds, Inhalers, Tylenol, Iburprofen, Naproxen sodium, Aspirin, Antacids Cold and flu DayQuil, Allergy medication,Blood pressure cuff, Thermometer, OtoscopeSupplements: multivitamins, probiotics, B complex, iron, cinnamon to lower sugar lever,Pulse ox, Vitamin C powder drinks, throat medication, Eye drops, Nasal sprays, Gloves, S, M, L, XL, Laxatives, Psoriasis cream, Hydrocortisone cream, Coban, Powder peanut butter, Pediatric Bactrim, co-trimoxazole antibiotic, Azithromycin: 250 mg, Adult bactrim, co-trimoxazole, trimoxazole, Amoxicillin 500 mg, Metoprolol (hypertension), Lisinopril 10mg (hypertension), Hydrochlorothiazide (hypertension), Fluoxetine, Prozac 20mg, Clotrimazole Cream, Depekote 250mg, Keppra 250mg, Keppra 500mg, Benadryl 25mg, Lasix, Furoscmide 40mg, Prednisone 10mg, Calcium carbonate, BGL machine
Diana Romania: Liquid miralax, Supplements, Sleep medication, Vitamin C powder drinks, Powder peanut butter
Kharkiv bag..Bag 4, largest bag, double of everything : Dressing bag (bandage 15cm) with hemostatic napkin - 1 unit;Tourniquet hemostatic Turnstile PYTHON-3 - 1 unit; Nalbuk, solution for injection 10 mg / ml 1.0 ml…flushesSterile medical gloves – 1 pair; Hemostatic agent Z-composed (with radiopaque tape) - 1 unit; Military pouch (fabric by the type of weaving "cordura", impregnation NIR) - 1 unit .;Instructions for use. Antibiotics times three different kinds, Hypertension times two different kinds, Metformin, A little of all medication, Otoscope, Stethoscope, Wrist blood pressure cuff, IV material, Pulse ox, IV catheters and start kits, Antacids, Sleep aids, Supplements:A, E,. C, B complex, probiotics, AZO, iron, potassium, Cold and Flu DayQuill, Reflex hammers, hearing forks package, Aspirin, Vitamin C powder drinks, Cardboard splints, Sam Splints, Trauma bandages, Eye drops, Nasal sprays, Throat medication, 5 HTP, L Theanine anxiety, GABA, Gloves, S, M. L, XL, Laxatives, Psoriasis cream, Hydrocortisone cream, Coban, Powder peanut butter, Pediatric Bactrim, co-trimoxazole antibiotic, Azithromycin 250mg, Adult bactrim, co-trimoxazole, Amoxicillin 500 mg, Metoprolo hypertension, Lisinopril 10mg hypertension, Hydrochlorothiazide hypertension, Fluoxetine, Prozac 20mg, Clotrimazole Cream, Depekote 250mg, Keppra 250mg, Keppra 500mg,Benadryl 25mg, Lasix, Furoscmide 40mg, Prednisone 10 mg, Calcium carbonate, BGL machine
Odessa Bag 5 : Pad, Basic medical, Sensory, Time timers, ECG machine, Antibiotics, Hypertension, Metformin, A little of all medication, Otoscope, Stethoscope, Thermometer, ECG machines, Supplements: A, E, probiotics, C, multivitamins, B complex, iron, potassium, Cold and flu DayQuill, Aspirin, Vitamin C powder drinks, Tourniquets, Hemostatic agents, Trauma dressings, Nasal sprays, Eye drops, Throat medication, GABA5-HTP for hyperactivity, L Theanine for anxiety, Rosea Rhodalia for Anxiety, Gloves S, M, L, XL, Laxatives, Powder peanut butter, Pediatric Bactrim, co-trimoxazole antibiotic, Azithromycin: 250 mg, Adult bactrim, co-trimoxazole, Amoxicillin 500 mg, Metoprolol hypertension, Lisinopril 10mg hypertension, Hydrochlorothiazide hypertension, Fluoxetine, Prozac 20mg, Clotrimazole Cream, Depekote 250mg, Keppra 250mg, Keppra 500mg, Benadryl 25mg, Lasix, Furoscmide 40mg,Prednisone 10mg, Calcium carbonate, BGL machine
Berezne Tatiana Bag 6 : Seizure meds, depakote, Keppra, CBD, Levothyroxcin if I can find it, Hypertension meds, Diabetic meds, MetforminSleep aids, Supplements: A, E, B complex, C, multivitamins, probiotics,Cold and flu Day quill, Tylenol, Ibuprofen,Naproxen sodium, Allergy medication, Vitamin C powder drinks,Eye drops, Nasal sprays, Throat medication, GABA, L Theanine anxiety, 5-HTP hyperactivity, Rhodalia Rosea anxiety, Laxatives, Psoriasis cream, Hydrocortisone cream, Coban, Powder peanut butter, Pediatric Bactrim, co-trimoxazole antibiotic, Azithromycin: 250 mg , Adult bactrim, co-trimoxazole, Amoxicillin 500 mg, Metoprolol hypertension, Lisinopril 10mg hypertension, Hydrochlorothiazide hypertension, Fluoxetine, Prozac 20mg, Clotrimazole Cream, Depekote 250mg, Keppra 250mg, Keppra 500mg,Benadryl 25mg, Lasix, Furoscmide 40mg, Prednisone 10mg, Calcium carbonate, BGL machine
Ludmilla: Lutsk small Bag 7 : Supplements , C, B complex, probiotics, iron, multivitamins, Cold and Flu Day quill, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Reflex hammers, hearing forks package, Vitamin C powder drinks, eye drops, Nasal sprays, Throat medication, Powder peanut butter
Krakow center medical: small Bag 8 : Multi vitamins, Tylenol, Iburprofen, Naproxen, Vitamin C powder drinks, Cold and Flu DayQuil, Nasal Spray, Eye drops, Throat medications
Tetiana, LUTSK: First aid kit, Cold/flu, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Naproxen sodium, Multi vitamins
Lutsk Down Syndrome association: First Aid kits, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Naproxen sodium, First aid supplies, Multivitamins, Powder peanut butter
Next Ukraine Advisory Meeting Thursday, May 19th, 7 pm.
Mark your calendars, see you then !
The above email was forwarded to us by:
Tracey Shadday, MPH, CHES, NBCHWC Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach Certified Health Education Specialist Tobacco Cessation SpecialistCertified Wellness Inventory Facilitator [email protected] http://www.HealthCoachTracey.com 813-404-2478 3347 S. West Shore Blvd., Suite 6 Tampa, FL 33629
Please send items to:
Theresa & Scott
3214 Creek Road
Irasburg, VT 05845
Please also visit Prayer Wall for most