July 3, 2023 - July 9,2023
Hello Wesley, This morning I read some words of Jesus as if it were the first time I ever heard them. In his explanation to the disciples about why He speaks in parables, He says, ”be very careful how you listen.” He does not say be careful to listen but be careful how you listen. And this begs the question, “How do I listen?” The one person I had to work hard to listen to was probably the person who should have been the easiest, Brenda. Early in our relationship, I found myself daydreaming as she talked, or worse yet thinking about how I was going to respond. I am competitive, so often I would remind her of what she said to make my point, sometimes even when I knew that was not what she meant. Listening was a kind of game for me.
Then I learned to keep my mouth shut, to pay attention to every word, every detail of not just what she said but what she intended. I think we are not so good at listening to God. Most of the time I would guess He just wants me present, not really talking. I have learned this is a great discipline, being quiet. It takes will, more than that, it takes humility. It takes real love. I am fortunate to have learned the importance of listening early in life and have learned to set aside time to listen to God rather than just throw my junk at Him.
Listen to what Jesus says, “Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them.” Luke 8:18 So if I am not careful in how I listen to God, I may not hear from Him. And if I am careful how I listen, I will hear even more. Perhaps that is encouraging to you today.
I love being your pastor, Ernie
Friday, July 7th from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
We hope that you will join us this Friday! We will be praying for the nation and for the church. Churches that pray together in unity are strengthened to face the spiritual war that surrounds us in this world and to focus on what God has called us to be as the church.
Please make every effort to join us this Friday night!
Rides will be provided for those who do not drive at night.
Last call to sign up for VBS!
Please keep the children, the staff and the volunteers in your prayers
for a life-changing week!
Kaye Prox Food Bank has a need for extra food items. Please bring in canned or boxed foods every week for the next few months. There is a shelf in the back of the copy room marked "Food Bank" where you can leave your donations.
Even while the Russia - Ukraine conflict marches on, the Ukrainian families who relocated in the US last summer are faring well thanks to the generosity of the US & VT state governments and loads of good people, many who are reading this now.
Three families are remaining in VT. One single woman is on a work-for-rent program; a family of four is thriving, the husband works as an engineer for the state of VT; two brothers are settling in a town south of the Agape House of Mercy, so one of the brothers can resume his schooling for dentistry. Another single woman relocated to Chicago along with the young couple who gave birth here in VT. A third single woman with her son relocated to Philadelphia with hope of getting more specialized treatment for him. A family of four relocated to Lutz, FL, and live with their sponsors, the Grossos, who served on our Wesley Ukrainian committee. The mother of the family got a job at the Publix in Lutz.
Everyone is shifting. The only family left is the large family of eight. They remain at Agape House awaiting a good plan for their family.
Theresa has finished her chemo treatments for lymphoma. They were brutal. Her husband Scott and son, David, have been wonderful help and support.
With this shift, the House is undergoing some cleaning and remodeling. It will be open soon for adults who need care or help with transition. Theresa and son Gabe, have planted vegetable gardens and will soon erect a playground for the community. They have successfully finished Mission Ukraine and look forward to what God brings next.
We all thank you for your prayers and care, especially for those Netpals from Wesley who continue their commitment to remain connected to a Ukrainian woman with prayer and encouragement.
In the pictures below you see those wearing the eyeglasses (that fitted some) sent by Wesley church. Also there are some children holding socks and soup packages. Everything Wesley sends is given out in small portions to those who need it.
Pastora is getting ready to go to the Cuba Annual Conference in a camp in the middle of the Island, so all pastors will have to find a way to travel there and back. The Annual Conference is usually held in June, but, this year, due to the rains and floods, it had to be postponed until July 5th
Please pray that Pastora Darielis and Pastora Misleydis are re-appointed to Duranona and Media Luna churches and that they have a blessed time at the Conference and find way to travel to & from there
Some time ago missionaries (members of the Pilon Church) started going to a nearby village, Duranona, and met in homes to start witnessing the Word and worshipping God Twenty years ago, when the house-church grew and more persons faithfully congregated there every week, the Bishop of the Methodist Church in Cuba appointed Duranona as an official church.
Five years ago, 24-year old Pastora Darielis was appointed pastor of this house-church, with very little biblical schooling, but a tremendous zeal to witness the Word of God and save souls. She, her husband and 3 year old daughter, Sarah, moved there and dedicated their lives to growing the church- Body of Christ in that small village. The sanctuary is the back part of their home and their main goal is to build it up as God’s holy temple and add capacity for more to congregate.
Since she was appointed, Pastora has been attending classes in the Havana Seminary, twice a year, to earn a Bachelor of Theology degree. … a long and tedious process, considering the travel difficulties and being away from her family and church for 3 weeks.
On Sunday, June 25th , there was a “great celebration of this anniversary. District Superintendent, Rev. Miguel Moreira, attended. The children (in the photo) were holding signs that read: “I want a church that”/ ”serves with love”/ “fears His name”/ “lifts the fallen”/”helps the wounded”/ “frees the captive”/ “His Word is our nourishment”/ “speaks the truth”/ heals the wounds of humanity”
ONE VERY JOYFUL NOTE: During Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Cuba, this week, our sister churches’ pastors have been reappointed to Media Luna and Duranona Methodist churches. Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus!
Wesley, you are such a faithful church! We thank you for your generous and giving hearts! You can Text To Tithe your offerings for Wesley Memorial UMC at this contact number - 813-699-4304. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.
Or by standard mail by sending cash or check to
6100 Memorial Hwy, Tampa FL 33615
Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm.
We are here to help you with any of your needs.
Church Contact Information:
This week Pastor Ernie talked about what we can learn from the story of Elijah. Being a strong person of God does not mean we will never get discouraged, but it means looking to God when faced with adversity. God will send us helpers along the way. Click link below for message.
Post your prayers and praise requests here and pray and comment for others!
Please make visiting the prayer wall a daily practice!
We pray for each child who will come to VBS. I pray that each child will feel loved by the staff and volunteers- AND by you, God. I pray that each child will be complimented, encouraged, and will feel valued and affirmed. I lift up prayer that each child will feel as though he or she belongs and is an important part of the group.
I ask that each child would come to know Jesus in a closer way. Lord, for those who are ready, Ipray that they will boldly receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord. I lift up prayer that the children will be able to put all their problems aside when they walk in the door of the church so that they can focus on the lessons and fully enjoy the experience.
I lift up prayer for the staff and volunteers. May each person who participates know they are important, loved, and appreciated. May you draw them into a closer relationship with you, being obedient to Your Will. Lord, I ask that this VBS would be life-changing to each teen and adult who volunteers to help.
I pray that the parents of the children will be receptive to all the good things that the children learn at VBS. I pray that you would inspire the parents to become more focused on You in their daily life. May both the children and the parents be stirred to learn more about you.
Lord, I pray that all the efforts given to this VBS will yield great fruit - fruit of feeling loved by YOU and fruit of getting closer to YOU.
May your loving hand guide each part of this experience.
Please note that we are transitioning to a new You Tube Channel. During this time livestreams will be posted on both channels. This button goes to the new You Tube Channel. Please be sure to subcribe! Also, please note, on both channels you must go to the Live button on the top menu button to see livestream of recent sermons.
Sunday Sermon July 9, 2023 Pastor Ernie Post "Faith from a Distance" Matthew 8:5-13 Sunday Worship Service 11:15am