May 15, 2023 - May 21,2023
I want to thank everyone for your sympathy at the passing of Brenda. A number of people have asked about a memorial service. When we were serving the church in Orlando, we had a lot of island folks and they taught us something beautiful. When someone reached 80 years old, they celebrated as a family. People came from all around the planet to sit with the guest of honor. They called the celebration “Let me see the flowers.” They shared photos from many years of memories, told stories, played music or dominoes. Brenda and I knew we loved what they did and wanted that for ourselves. My family sat around Brenda’s bed two weeks ago and had a remembering service with her. We pulled out the pictures and told the stories, one after another. We laughed till we cried, and then we cried because we knew what was coming. It was about the best way to share the time we had left.
Last Sunday during the second service Ashley called to tell me to get home right away. I told her what to do to keep Brenda alive till I got home. Ashley was able to do it and I got to say a last goodbye, something I have been doing for months every time I left the room. The very last thing I said to her was “safe journey Brenda. There is no time in heaven. I am already there.” I must say there is nothing more glorious than knowing Jesus at a time like this. Complete assurance. I am grateful.
I love being your pastor, Ernie
There will be carpools meeting at church if you would like a ride to this event. Contact Connie Pruitt if you need a ride at 813-494-4049.
You are invited, along with other Wesley Network Members, to help support this important ministry. You can donate online at www.hillsboroughhope.org, or mail a check to the Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality at 5103 N. Central Ave., Tampa, FL 33603.
Everyone is invited to come celebrate this special milestone for our littlest Grads!
Wesley will be sponsoring an Indoor Memorial Day Picnic on May 28th in the Fellowship Hall from 12:30 to 2:30. This is open to the church and community to celebrate veterans of past and present. Reservations are required for this as seating will be limited. You can reserve your spot by texting "Vet2023" to 813-592-1788 OR please contact Betsy Danielson at 813-968-2844 or Kelly Sweet at 813-748-8041 / [email protected] to reserve your spots and/ or share a testimonial on your veteran. We also would like to encourage you to bring any memorabilia that you may want to show at the luncheon. We will have a table set up to show your memories. We will also be taking reservations after both services on Sunday mornings. Your reservation needs to be in by May 24th.
We'll get wet, it'll be messy
(if we don't get some rain between now and then)
AND FOAMY but We will have fun!
Our "Schools Out Bash" is our last Wednesday night planned for the school year.
For more info, contact Rochelle Mock 813-215-6433.
The Silver Saints is a senior group that meets quarterly. Their mission is to connect with each other and their community and to provide support in their spiritual walk. Each meeting has a theme such as Cruising, Tailgating, Mardi Gras, Luau, Reunion, Hippie, Summer Picnic, etc. We have a devotion, provide lunch, play games and work on a service project. Some of our projects include: reading stories to the children at Bridges, appreciation gifts for church staff, appreciation gifts for the Nomads, Christmas baskets for the homeless, Thinking of You cards for shut-ins, appreciation cards to veterans and Christmas stockings for shut-ins.
Mark your calenders now for a very important day to be here! We will have one combined service at 11:15 on June 4th. Rev. Emily Hotho will be delivering the Sunday sermon. After the service we will have a pot luck lunch in Fellowship Hall. After lunch, Rev. Emily will present for the UMC and there will be a Q & A time afterwards. Please be in prayer for God's Will as the discernment process continues in regard to Wesley's direction for the future.
Click button below for some highlights of last year's camp.
We are engaged in an epic battle for the hearts and minds of our youth. Every day, they're bombarded with lies about who they are, who their Creator is, and where their salvation comes from. Thankfully, God has given his children armor to wear in this battle between truth and lies, light and darkness, good and evil!
With this VBS, your kids will learn how they can be part of God's kingdom through salvation in his Son and will be equipped with the armor of God to become Keepers of the Kingdom who stand strong in today's battle for truth.
We had a wonderful Mother's Day celebrating all the Moms in the church!
Click button below for some highlights of the day!
You can also visit our Facebook page to see an album
of individual photos you can download.
Another school year is coming to an end and it has been our joy to serve the children at Town n’ Country Elementary and Dickinson Elementary once again. We couldn’t do this without our volunteers, corporate sponsor, along with food and monetary donations from our wonderful church family. This is truly a Wesley Ministry where everyone helps to make this ministry such a joyful project.
Here are some year end facts and information: We delivered approximately 3200 bags this school year, with usually 10-12 food items in each bag makes for 38,000 food items! What a blessing this ministry is to our community and we couldn’t do any of it without you.
We appreciate all your prayer and donations and we’ll start collecting food items in August sometime. Peace & Joy….
Jamie, Shaun and all the PAS volunteers
The church is looking for four volunteers who can committ one Sunday a month (second service) to provide backup nursery care if needed. If interested, please contact Church Office at 813-769-9157.
Bridges Preschool is hiring part time teachers and assistants starting now and more in the summer and fall. 18 year olds looking for a summer job will be considered.
Please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested.
Wesley, you are such a faithful church! We thank you for your generous and giving hearts! You can Text To Tithe your offerings for Wesley Memorial UMC at this contact number - 813-699-4304. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.
Or by standard mail by sending cash or check to
6100 Memorial Hwy, Tampa FL 33615
Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm.
We are here to help you with any of your needs.
Church Contact Information:
Pastor Ernie has completed his series "Finding Jesus in the Old Testament". The next several weeks he will be discussing various personalities in the Bible and what lessons we can learn from that to apply to our lives today. Join us every Tuesday morning at 7:30 am on Facebook or you can watch it later as well.
" The way you treat your soul when you are young will magnify when you become older... Memorizing God's Word comes back at you at just the right moment to strengthen you." ~ Pastor Ernie Post ~ "Coffee with Ernie"
Post your prayers and praise requests here and pray and comment for others!
Please make visiting the prayer wall a daily practice!
A Prayer for Our Family and Friends
O Lord my God, I entrust all my loved ones in your care, and I pray you to protect and guide them daily. Lord, may they rely on you to meet their needs and learn to trust you and be content in whatever circumstances they find themselves.
My Lord and my God, keep my family and friends safe. Keep them far away from oppression. Send your angels to surround and protect them from the evil in the world.
O Lord, touch the hearts of those that are yet to receive you into their lives. Touch their hearts so they may accept that you are the faithful Savior. Touch them so they may enjoy the peace and joy of salvation in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen.
Please note that we are transitioning to a new You Tube Channel. During this time livestreams will be posted on both channels. This button goes to the new You Tube Channel. Please be sure to subcribe! Also, please note, on both channels you must go to the Live button on the top menu button to see livestream of recent sermons.
9am Traditional Service 11:15am Contemporary Service
Sunday Sermon May 21, 2023
"Mary, Mother of Jesus"
1 Thessalonians 1:4 & 8; Galatians 1:6; Ephesians 2:8; Luke 2:42-47; John 2:1-5; Mark 3:31-32; Acts 1:12-14