Nov. 7,2022 - Nov.13,2022
Hello Wesley,
As we approach the season of the year for celebrating, I thought it would be good to celebrate our heartbeat as a church, our mission to serve others.
Take a look at this: Pack A Sack delivers 140 bags of food to students every Friday during the school year; Each bag costs approximately $5.00, and that is every week! Many thanks to the sponsors who make this a reality. The men's ministry serves more than 40 meals every Sunday to our homeless community. Operation Christmas Child will send nearly 1000 shoeboxes of Christmas joy and a gospel message to children around the world.We hope to serve Thanksgiving Dinner to more than 250 people. From the pastor's discretionary fund we are working to help someone secure citizenship in the US, we paid rent for someone in need, and we repaired a fence after Hurricane Ian.The Ukranian ministry has helped sponsor The Agape House of Mercy which houses families from the Ukraine with special needs and we are working on sending blankets and more medicines to Kharkiv. Our quilters made quilts for all of the children at the Agape House.This Lent we will focus on the crisis in Cuba. Basic necessities are now completely unavailable to the people.
Remember this Sunday we focus on our GO experience in the community. Ask your neighbor if they need any help or if they want to help someone in need. Plan to stay late or come early in between services from 10am - 11:15 as we gather at tables set up in the overflow to coordinate our effort.
I love being your pastor.
It's not too late to sign up for a service request or volunteer for Go Day! Hope to see you inbetween services! There will be a variety of opportunities for everyone to participate!
Also, we will still be collecting items, as well as gift cards, to be delivered to Ft. Myers for Hurricane Ian Relief.
This week you can start bringing in your individually prepared shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child until Sunday, Nov. 20. You can bring to Fellowship Hall during the weekdays between 10am - 1pm or bring to church on Sundays. Please click button below on tips of how to pack a shoebox that will be traveling around the world! Please also consider a donation of $10 to help with shipping cost.
Join us in the Church Sanctuary on Tuesday to lift up to the Lord the Administrative Board members and their plans, discussions and decisions to be made at their next meeting.
This prayer gathering is for the sole purpose of asking for God’s guidance in giving our leaders discernment as we go forward. This is a shared commitment we all make as brothers and sisters in Wesley to pray and contend for the faith and our church. If you are unable to come to the gathering this month, please, during this time, lift up your prayers at home, work, school, wherever you.
Contact Renee by email [email protected] or call her (813-885-5674) for any other information or inquiry.
Last week GodGang and Promiseland joined forces for a Christmas Shoebox packing party! They will be getting together again for another packing party
Wed., November 16th 6:30 -8:00pm
Everyone is welcome to join in!
Click button to see more pictures!
Our Baycrest neighbors are sponsoring a Children's Toy Drive here at the Wesley FLC on Thursday, Dec. 1st from 6:30-8pm . Let's support their efforts!
Alexa is the 7 year old, Cuban girl whose legs were cut off when she was 3 months old in Cuba.... by error!! She has been coming to Shriners since she is 4 years old to have prosthesis done for both her legs. Since one of her legs was cut off above the knee, this bone has been growing and will continue to grow so surgery to cut it off so the prosthesis may fit has to be done periodically.
Because of the pandemic she had not been able to come for treatment, surgery and adaptation of prosthesis for 2+ years. She and her mom, Jacquie are now in So. Carolina @ a Ronald McDonald house and she is getting all she needs @ Shriner s in Greenville. THE U.S. IS THE MOST WONDERFUL & GENEROUS COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!.
Jaquie just sent Renee Kincaid, our representative to Cuba, of her recent surgery on the knee (see below) and doctors have told them that, after surgery healing about the end of November, they will be able to work on getting her a new prosthesis for that leg. She already has the prosthesis for the leg that does not need surgery. Jacquie tells me Alexa is now trying to learn English while she is here.
The Wesley Ruth Sewing Circle did a beautiful quilt and bear for Alexa and Debbie bought her a cute, huggable, toy horse. Just this week, Renee has mailed her these things along with coloring books, flash cards, etc. Very Much Appreciated!!!
All is running smoothly with Pack-a-Sack. We are prepping November bags which will include a flyer about our Free Thanksgiving meals. We are still at 135 bags per week and are so happy to be reaching many children in our backyard. We will be prepping December bags soon and plan to wrap 2 different gifts and 1 book so they will get a wrapped present in the last 3 bags leading up to Christmas Break.
Thank you for always keeping Pack-a-Sack in your prayers!
If you want to pick up any items- currently we are collecting:
Jif to go peanut butter cups (any brand -1.5 oz.)
Peanut Butter Crackers - kid friendly flavors
Items can be brought in on Sundays and left on the pack-a-sack shelves in the copy room or dropped at church during normal business hours. If you have any questions feel free to contact Jamie at (813) 967-3800 or [email protected].
If you would like to have an event or celebration (birth, graduation, marriage, travel, etc.) added to the ANNOUNCEMENTS section, please email [email protected] , including description of announcement along with any photographs.
Wesley, you are such a faithful church! We thank you for your generous and giving hearts! You can Text To Tithe your offerings for Wesley Memorial UMC at this contact number - 813-699-4304. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.
Or by standard mail by sending cash or check to
6100 Memorial Hwy, Tampa FL 33615
Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm.
We are here to help you with any of your needs.
Church Contact Information:
Pastor Ernie has started a new series "Finding Jesus in the Old Testament". This is a not to be missed study focusing on a spiritual approach to the Old Testament that needs to be watched and shared with neighbors and friends! Join us every Tuesday morning at 7:30 am on Facebook or you can watch it later as well.
We have a new, more interactive, Prayer Wall !
Please take the time to visit the prayer wall and interact with your prayers and comments. Please note the first time you visit you will need to register and put in a password. You can then save in your phone and/or computer so you don't have to put in your information when you return. Hopefully you will make this part of your daily routine!
Let's be a Praying Church for each other, the church, and the world!