What? No Joseph?
Prophecy in Luke: Christmas Luke 1:26-35
Christmas Eve Children's Service
A spontaneous Christmas Eve pageant with the children, hot chocolate and cookies! |
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
The Chancel Choir is presenting the Christmas Cantata, “Noel”, telling the story of the birth our Jesus Christ, all through narration and music.
A beautiful evening to spend with family as we all sing some beloved Christmas Carols, praising God and worshiping Him.
Blessings to all and Merry Christmas! |
Volunteers Needed for Cold Night Shelter
Each year, volunteers form the community and Wesley have selflessly volunteered to staff the cold weather shelter at Jacksons Springs Park. In preparation for this coming winter, we are looking for volunteers that can do a 3 to 4 hour shift when the shelter is open. We want to have many volunteers so no one has to do a shift …
Kid's Happy Birthday Jesus Party
Kid's Happy Birthday Jesus Party! Sunday, December 23rd - Happy Birthday Jesus Party! Let's have a party for Jesus! Cake & Ice Cream, special games and lots of fun!
December 19th Pajama Party, December 19th, 6-8 pm in the Promiseland room, cookies, cocoa and a movie. Wear your PJ's and bring a pillow!
Kids Movie Matinee
Stay after church 12/9/18 and enjoy an afternoon movie matinee! Promiseland Room 12:45 until 3:00 p.m. We’ll have Pizza, games and of course a movie: “The incredibles”. Please let Ms. Rochelle know if you plan to attend!!!! 813-215-6433 PS: There is no cost for this event, you might want to let the kids dress comfortably and maybe bring a pillow!
Wesley Church Toy Drive
Wesley Church is collecting Christmas toys to be distributed by Metropolitan Ministries. You may bring unwrapped toys to the overflow area in the back of church. If you would like to participate, please consider gifting something for children ages 11 - 16 as this age group is often overlooked. For more information contact: Toni Reitz [email protected]
Chili Fundraiser Wesley's Mens Group will be hosting a Chili Takeout Fundraiser on Sunday, December 16th. The Men will be offering takeout of 1 Quart of Chili and Cornbread for 2 for $6.00. Both Traditional Chili as well as A Special Recipe White Bean Chili will be offered. Preorders will be taken starting this Sunday and are highly suggested.
Pack a Sack – GRAB A SACK!
For the next few weeks, the Pack-A-Sack team will be in the back of the sanctuary handing out SACKS with a list of current needs attached. We will be collecting from December into January as we prepare to restock the shelves, so as you’re shopping over these next few weeks and you see an item on sale or it’s BOGO, …
We wanted to share some joyful news. Our corporate sponsor BLESSED us not only with their monthly contribution to the ministry but they decided for the Thanksgiving holiday, they would provide every Pack a Sack family with the $100 gift card to Publix. The social workers and guidance counselors were truly overwhelmed and mentioned to us, “we wish you could …
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 1/8/2019. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms …
Let's Communicate!
If your small group or ministry has news to share, let us know! We now have TV monitors located in the church for everyone to use to get the good news out about what we are doing in our church as well as in our community.
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