June 4 - 10, 2020
Communion Sunday - June 7, 2020
If you unable to attend the Sunday Worship Service in person but would like to take part with the communion, please read the next article to learn how you can get a pre-packaged communion kit so you can participate from your location.
We hope that providing communion or communion supplies to members who are not able to come to church is a service ministry that will continue to grow. With the new self-service communion “kits” we have stocked, the elements representing His body and blood are available to be delivered during the week prior to Communion Sunday (the first Sunday of the month). Members are then able to take communion with the congregation as they watch the service online. Communion servers are also returning to action, taking the elements into homes where desired in order to serve the sacraments to members in person.
If the Holy Spirit is leading you to help with this ministry, please let me know! If you or someone you know would like to have communion served or the elements delivered, please be sure I get the contact information so I can reach out to you or the interested individual.
I can be reached at 813-499-7167 or [email protected].
Have a blessed week! Carol Dittmar
I remember as a young man the first time I read Chaucer in his native tongue with which I was unfamiliar and in English . My eyes were a blur and my head was worse. I did not understand one word much less a whole story. Yet I kept reading because I was going to get a grade on what I did not know. I had to read the stories literally dozens of times. The language barrier was immense. About half way through the semester the light started to dawn and the stories came alive. I laughed and laughed at the characters and their dialogue. It was just hysterical. I got it.
I have a sense that Jesus is like that for many, like a language they do not understand and can only shake their heads. I pray that one day people get it; I pray one day many understand. In fact, I pray we all see the light of day and can laugh together. I am preparing for the next teaching after Luke and am reading over and over about the life of Paul and his relationship with the early churches. It seems pretty clear to me that the people and even some of the leaders of the early churches just did not understand Paul. Jesus had the same problem every time he spoke. Pharisees did not understand him, the crowd did not see clearly, the disciples seemed dimwitted.
There are some things we are just not meant to understand, some things we understand and discard, and some few things that take a great deal of effort and repetition to understand; and if we give up, we will have lost out on a most critical learning. I think Jesus is like that. Too many people give up before they really understand. I know Paul is like that too. I have been reading the Jesus stories and teachings for four decades now and am still only at the beginning. Yet, His words have held me together all this way, sometimes when I did not even understand.
In closing, let's pray together that His words becomes a 'lamp for my feet, a light on my path' so we understand where Jesus is leading us.
I love being your pastor,
Church Communications
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
June 7, 2020 at 9:00 AM EDT
Livestream Sunday Worship Service
Traditional Worship Service
Gathering Music:....'Sing Unto The Lord" with "I will Sing of the Mercies'.......Jean Rowe Welcome and Announcements:....................................................Rev. Ernie Post Hymn of Praise.............'For The Beauty Of The Earth'......................Pg 92.......... Call To Worship:...................'Psalm 110'......................................Rev. Ernie Post Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer..............................................Rev. Ernie Post A Moment with.............Rochelle Mock and Ernie Post............................................
Song of Preparation..........'Take Time To Be Holy'............................. Pg 395......... Scripture & Message...….…'Be Working - Luke 19:11-27'............Rev. Ernie Post Holy Communion...............'Come Just As You Are'................................................. ..Singers: Susan Lamont, Diane Flanders and Gail Parker with Soloist Dan Parker
Invitation to Tithes & Offering:.................................................................................. .........Offertory Music.............'What a Friend We Have In Jesus'....Jean Rowe....... Doxology.............................................................................................. Pg 95.......... Prayer of Dedication.......................................................................Rev. Ernie Post
The Apostles’ Creed................................................................................................ ......Gloria Patri......................................................................................Pg..70........ Closing Hymn:..........'Wonderful Words of Life'.....................................Pg..514...... Choral Benediction.......'God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again'............................... Benediction and Blessing................................................................Rev. Ernie Post Postlude.........:.........'Almighty, Unchangeable God'........................Jean Rowe.......
Prayers Needed
NOTE: When viewing the Worship Service, please be ready to share/type in your prayer requests in the Comment Field. Your prayer requests will be recorded and added to the Prayer Wall in the church's website so that prayer warriors who visit the Prayer Wall can include your requests in their prayer lists. NOTE 2: Prayer requests from the previous services have been posted to the Prayer Wall. Please take time to visit it and pray for these requests. Many Thanks!
EXTRA EXTRA -- Vacation Bible School (VBS) Announcement - Read all about it!
VBS plans are well underway! After careful consideration and with an abundance of caution, we have decided to proceed with a virtual VBS. Our theme is Rocky Railway! We will still need help building sets and presenting each segment. If you are interested in assisting, please let us know!
VBS will be held the week of 7/13-7/17/2020 and from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Registration will be available shortly. Please make certain you register early so that we will have ample time for your child to receive the supplies needed to participate!
Please let us know if you have any questions. -- Rochelle L. Mock - - Children's Director 813-215-6433 Wesley Memorial UMC 6100 Memorial Highway Tampa, FL 33615
Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.
NOTE: If you prefer not to Text to tithe, you can send your tithes and offerings to Wesley with a paper check and mail it to: Wesley Memorial UMC, 6100 Memorial Highway, Tampa, Florida 33615. Thanks!
Livestream Options to View the Online Services
Option 1 - - Website and Youtube
An alternate way to view the Livestream Sunday Worship Service is now available. Starting immediately, you can visit the church's website at 'https://wesleymemorial.net/' and on the Menu bar, look for and click on 'Livestream' in the website. Then, follow the instructions provided on the following page to view the online services.
NOTE: The website links will direct you to the church's YouTube channel as displayed above. If you enjoy the online or recorded services, remember to press the 'Subscribe' button in YouTube.
If you have or want to open a Facebook page to navigate to the Sunday Worship Service, please click here. You should see the following Logo displayed in Facebook.