August 9th, 2021 - August 15th, 2021
-Prayer taken from the Bible App.
Pastor's Notes to Wesley
When my kids were growing up, we were the best at road trips. Brenda was really good at the planned ones and I excelled at the ones that just happened. My soul has been drawn to "let's see how this works out." Brenda is a methodical planner and knows all the possibilities. We would drive to Myrtle Beach, about 10 hour trip, and Brenda had little surprises for the kids every two hours. The trips would have been completely different if I were in charge. I loved both kinds of trips.
My journey with Jesus has been a lot like our road trips. Many many times the plans I placed before the Lord came to pass pretty close to what we imagined. All along the way there were always surprises God had in store for us. There have been times when the entire plan went awry. There have also been times when I have been running to catch up to God. Those journeys have been the most fruitful. The adventure of running to catch up with God has always enlivened me.
I remember moving to Florida in 1995. People said, "you're going to do what?" "We are moving to Florida to start a church in a community where we do not know a single person. So we are going to call them all and introduce ourselves to them and invite them to church, all 10,000 of them." We were so naïve, so enthusiastic, and that time was so fruitful for the kingdom. Sometimes we just have to do something crazy.
I do love being your pastor,
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
August 15th, 2021 at 9:00 AM EDT
Traditional Worship Service
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
August 15th, 2021 at 11:15 AM EDT
Contemporary Worship Service
Thanks to the wonderful generosity of our Wesley fellow-workers, I’ve been able to send Pastor Misleydis and our Media Luna brothers and sisters financial assistance, 12 lbs. of generic medicines & toiletries (which should arrive in 3 months) and food from a store in Bayamo. We have contributed to the funds for the on-going purchasing and sending prescription drugs to the Methodist Church Medical Commission of each Methodist district so they can be regulated, distributed and reported back by a doctor. We are contributing to 60 lbs. of prescription drugs, going to the S. Maestra district Medical Commission from where Pastora may request them in the case of urgent need by the members of the Media Luna church.
Many of you saw the picture of Cuba Bishop that I emailed you a few days ago, when he picked up these medicines from Cuba Customs in the church van. There is another shipment of 60 lbs. per district ready to be sent now. Prayers have opened the floodgates of heaven, Hallelujah!!!
Please pray for all the members of the Media Luna Methodist Church, Pastora Misleydis and their families.
Pray that God Almighty send angels to hover over the loving parcels sent there and let them arrive, safely and timely, as a token of Your eternal love that bind us together, in the name of Jesus, Amen
If any of you have any questions, please email me, call me or just talk to me at church.
Sending many blessings to all of you, Renee
Community Bible Study starts August 25!
Bring a friend to BOOK DAY on August 11th from 10-11 am!
Ladies please join us either in person or remotely on Wednesday mornings at 9:45 am or evenings at 6:30 pm as we learn from the Revelation of Jesus Christ given to John.
Website: tampawest.cbsclass.org
Start Date: August 25, 2021 End Date: January 12, 2022
12 Step Christian Living will resume Wednesday classes on September from 6:30-8pm in the church library. We are in the middle of a book study, "Wide Angle: Framing your Worldview" by Rick Warren and Charles Colson, but each chapter is a new topic so new friends can fit right in! We are a discussion oriented group and everyone is welcome! Contact: Mary Hamrick Phone: 8138848345 Email: [email protected]
Silver Saints Game Time! Have you ever wanted to be on Let's Make a Deal or The Price Is Right? Well you just might get the chance if you join us at our next Silver Saints meeting in the FLC 12:00-2:00 on Saturday, September 25. We will be providing lunch. Contact: Susan Ivins Phone: 601 831-1985 Email: [email protected]
Looking to get involved at Wesley?
Here are some awesome ministries to start with:
- Ambassadors: Provide a warm & friendly welcome to the community & congregation! A great way to meet new people! Contact: Amy Disseler via email at [email protected]
- Praise Team: Do you play an instrument? Do you love to sing praises to the Lord? Help lead the congregation into humble, intimate & passion filled worship. Contact: Arnel Senson via email at [email protected]
- Chancel Choir: Do you love hymns? The choir is getting ready to start practicing for Christmas! You can join for this special season of adoration for Jesus! Contact: Jean Rowe via email at [email protected] or Gail Parker @ [email protected]
If you would like to have an event or celebration (birth, graduation, marriage, etc.) added to the ANNOUNCEMENTS section, please click on this link: https://wesleymemorial.net/media-request and fill out the form with requested information. On the form, please select 'Other' media and include an description of the announcement.
If your small group or ministry has praise stories &/or news to share, let the rest of the church know! This is how we all stay connected!
We have TV monitors located in the church for everyone to use to get the good news out about what we are doing in our church as well as in our community.
Let us pray for you: When viewing the Worship Service, share/type in your prayer requests in the Comment Field. Your prayer requests will be recorded and added to the Prayer Wall in the church's website so that prayer warriors who visit the Prayer Wall can include your requests in their prayer lists. Please Note: Prayer requests from the previous services have been posted to the Prayer Wall. Please take time to visit it and pray for these requests. Many Thanks!
You can Text To Tithe your offerings for Wesley Memorial UMC at this contact number - 813-699-4304. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email. You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation. Give + Text is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give.