Word of Encouragement

Now here’s a telling quote, “Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together.” Matthew 22:34 Nothing will unite a divided people more than a common enemy. The Pharisees and Sadducees were like Republicans and Democrats, yet they decided to both go after Jesus because both parties perceived Him as a threat. So what was he threatening?
First, he threatened their understanding of the truth. He publicly denounced their understanding and teaching of the Old Testament, and His new teaching made Him immensely popular. Unfortunately HIs popularity was short lived and the two parties were able to persuade the people to turn their backs on Jesus and, I would conclude, their backs on the truth.
I have often wondered why someone would turn their backs on the truth. Popularity? Position? Power? Property? Security? Fear? Guilt? Acceptance? I guess there are lots of reasons to turn away from the truth. But what happens to someone who makes such a turn? They sacrifice integrity for acceptance. Jesus puts it this way, “What would it profit a man if he wins the world and loses his soul?”
That’s not to say that if we accept Jesus as true we cannot be popular, or own property, or have positions of influence. It is just that we choose not to allow these things to take priority over Jesus and His work in our lives.
~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie